- General - |
Goals of the project (in order of importance).
1- Balance.
First and foremost I want to all New chars to not have bad match ups (3.5-6.5 are passable, but I want to keep that the maximum tolerable), and that can be vs both New and Old characters. Old characters themselves having no bad match ups is of less importance, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be good to have it as well. But I think that won't be achievable on some cases because of the nature of some old characters: they're of an overall worse design than New characters, but as a compensation they have a few really strong tools, but on some match ups part of these tools may not be as effective and then maybe there isn't much to be done (e.g. O.Zangief is now the most dangerous character when up close, but he has way less tools to actually get in, and theres some match ups in which the HF 3K lariat is pretty much useless, that means O.Zangief has very few chances of getting in).
OBS: When reading this changelog, you'll notice that I focused more on buffs than on nerfs. I think this is the best way to approach it so top tier mainers are not too pissed off. With that said though, some stuff just HAD to be nerfed. Take Chun's stored super for example, first of all it's a very dumb thing to exist (it's definitely a bug, anyone that looks on the assembly can quickly notice it, no it's not a feature), and second it would take huge buffs on all mid to low characters for this to be kept and still be balanced, so it's more realistic to just fix it to achieve general balance. Sorry Chun mainers, this had to go away, but her super was buffed on some other ways plus the most abusive BS from the other top tiers will be gone too, so Chun will be fine.
2- Variety.
This is why I'm giving the Old roster HF characteristics: HF is the 2nd best SF2 iteration and the way some of these characters are played are unique (unlike SSF2, that for the most part are just worse variation of ST characters). They will be rebalanced as well though, so don't expect you'll have CPS1 chains or easy dizzies. If you want that then just play the original HF or HSF2.
3- Bug fixing.
Most of the bug fixes I did also affect gameplay though, and I think the game is better with them fixed (e.g. Reversal Supers, Stored moves, O.Honda Throw glitch, etc).
4- New features.
I've put new options on the char select screen (Akuma + random character) as well as a stage select (on START button ). There's also new color palettes for all characters (Akuma included), you can pick them on the new color picking menu.
Misc general stuff:
Rewrote the special cancel frame delimiter routine to use separate tables for old chars.:
New Hi-Scores with the NL team initials with new, higher scores.
Boot screen:
Startup Text changed: Blue region text changed to White and Green text with Hack Version, Blue copyright warning text changed to White disclaimer text.
Options Menu:
Freeplay option, just like the USA rom:
Title screen stuff:
Yellow/Red "Super Street Fighter II" logo.
New Challengers Orange-ish fire effect + Silver gradient.
Gray "TURBO" text.
"New Legacy" text below the SSF2 logo.
VS Screen stuff:
Background is now Dark Gray.
VS logo is now red.
Portraits moved 16px up.
REASON: needed now that they dont have the borders anymore.
Character names and the grid behind portraits moved 16px up, portrait borders removed.
REASON: needed now that the portraits dont have the borders anymore.
Character Select Screen stuff:
New Challengers music.
REASON: i think this will be good for a change.
Menu to pick character color(left/right inputs) and old character picker (pressing START).
Akuma code disabled.
REASON: uneeded now that Akuma will have his own portrait to be selected on the char select screen. Plus that will give me more free space, which is always good.
Expanded Character select screen (Akuma + Random):
REASON: Now that the Akuma is supposed to be balanced, it makes sense for him to be selectable without codes. The Random portrait was thought at first just to keep it symmetric, but it by itself is a very cool addition too. Plus it may even be reused for RANDOM Stages too.
Stage select (on START button).
REASON: this is a much needed feature. Not only because it's cool, but also because each stage have its own speed, and this is not fixable AFAIK (the speed ofthe stage depends directly on the amount of objects that are being displayed/animated, so the stages that are slower are slow because they're actually lagging!). I am placing it on START because i think its the best way to do this. I already came up with another method of picking the START character color, so its all good. Also, you need to have 2players playing to be abel to select stage, this is by design. Otherwise you'd be able to choose Dictator stage and finish the game with a single fight (CPU characters are somewhat tied with the stage), and that would make no sense.
In-match stuff (unrelated to char balance):
Stage speed fix. This fixes the frameskip, so every stage has the same speed. The speed have been normalized to match Cammy's Stage speed in ST. Code by grego2d, make sure to check his other amazing stuff at ArcadeAtavism (Tournament Battle port for ST, Final Fight Anniversary Edition (and its CPS2 port), UltraNET SNES adapter, etc)!
Reversal message for normal throws.
COMMENTS: while working on this i found out that there's some times (50%?), it's impossible to perform a normal throw as a reversal when you're recovering from blockstun. So when that happens, doing the throw on the reversal frame will result in nothing, and if doing it 1 frame later will work of course, but then there will be no Reversal message.
Proper Akuma mini-portrait during match, made by Tyrone.
Hi-Score is now properly aligned in the center (moved 6px to the right).
Akuma mini nameplate, graphic made by Tyrone.
Big nameplates (on Char select Screen AND VS Screen) are now properly aligned.
REASON: this was a problem on original ST, specially on the VS Screen (the game has a table with the alignment values, but all the values are the same for all characters lol. And some people don't believe ST was rushed...). On a few cases this was very obvious on the char select screen too, like for Chun on the P1 side.
Akuma big nameplate, graphics by Tyrone.
Different color for Big Nameplates if Old char is selected.
Mini-portraits during a match now have orange background instead of blue, in case its an Old character.
REASON: not exactly a must, but it may be useful now that both New and Old characters can use any palette. This not only looks cool but also works as yet another visual clue for it being an old character (other than the lack of SUPER meter).
Alignment for original win quotes fixed + a second new quote for the CPS1 chars (since NC already got 2, the rest only got 1) + 4 new quotes for Akuma (so he now feels more like a complete character now).
REASON: just making it more complete, there were some classic quotes that would be good to give to the original characters. Also Akuma now has win quotes too, which is another step closer of making him a complete character.
Character Palette stuff:
Dictator's loss portrait flame effect now have an unique palette per color.
Akuma's Big Portrait is now colored. Artwork by Tyrone, palette work by Born2SPD.
Ryu Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
Ken Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
E.Honda Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
Blanka Big portrait now has red blood instead of orange on the original Start palette (teal skin with green shorts/hair).
Blanka Big portrait now uses the same skin tones as his sprite on the Old original palette.
Blanka Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette + slightly green skin.
Guile Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
Chun Big Portrait Fix for palette inconsistencies between the Win and Lose screen Big Portraits for the Short/LK color.
Chun Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
Zangief Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette + Fix for palette inconsistencies between the Win and Lose screen Big Portraits for the Jab/LP, Roundhouse/HK and Hold colors + Fierce/HP portrait palette now have proper cyan clothes color, instead of being a copy paste of Strong/MP.
Dhalsim Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait palette for the Old alternative color changed (new skin tone, to differ a little more from the original Old color).
Boxer Lose portrait's blood color adjusted on the original Fierce/HP palette (orange clothes with green gloves).
Boxer Lose portrait's blood color adjusted on the original Forward/MK palette (red clothes with teal gloves).
Boxer Lose portrait's blood color adjusted on the original Roundhouse/HK palette (purple clothes with red gloves).
Boxer Lose portrait's blood color adjusted on the original Old palette.
Boxer Lose portrait's blood color adjusted on the original Old alternative palette + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
Claw Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette + Fix for palette inconsistencies between the Win and Lose screen Big Portraits for the Roundhouse/HK color.
Sagat Lose portrait's blood color adjusted.
Dictator Lose portrait's hat piping color adjusted on all colors (minus Strong which was correct) + Roundhouse color now has fixed cap color (green -> purple) + Big Portrait palette for the Old alternative color changed (slightly pink clothes, to differ a little more from the original Old color).
Cammy Big Portrait palette for the Old alternative color changed (blueish hue added to her clothes green color, to differ a little more from the original Old color).
T.Hawk Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
Fei Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette.
DeeJay Portrait now has colored necklace + Lose portrait's blood color adjusted + Big Portrait now use the proper palette when using the Old alternative palette (now that the necklace is colored).
E.Honda super trail palettes fixed on his original colors.
Blanka super trail palettes fixed on his original colors + adjusted palettes for his modified sprite + slightly modified Old alt color sprite palette.
Dhalsim old alt sprite palette now have a slightly different skin tone.
Dictator old alt sprite palette now have a more pink-ish look.
Cammy super trail palettes fixed on his original colors + adjusted palettes for his modified sprite + slightly modified Old alt sprite palette.
New colors for all characters. To pick the new colors, use 2 button combinations (e.g. MP+MK). Also, moved the Start color to LP+LK (because it's used for stage select now) and the Hold color to HP+HK (removing the hold colors, because i want to make any color selectable regardless of the character being New or Old). Oh and you can now pick the Old colors with 3P and 3K.
Stage Palettes:
OBS: for now, only Ryu's and Dhalsim's stages have a new palette.
The plan is to keep adding new palettes in future updates, and when every stage get a new palette, then I'll implement an option to choose stage palettes (i.e. there will be multiple palettes per stage).
Ryu Stage:
New stage palette, by Tyrone
Ken Stage:
New stage palette, by Tyrone (homage to Final Fight 3)
Dhalsim Stage:
New stage palette, by Tyrone
Claw Stage:
New stage palette, by Tyrone
Stage Fixes:
Honda Stage:
Fixed black parts on the floor, on the right side of the stage.
REASON: this looked like a bug. Now it's finally fixed.
Zangief Stage:
Fixed missing tile on the red metal bar, on the left site of the stage.
REASON: this looked like a bug. Now it's finally fixed.
FeiLong Stage:
Background moved 4px upwards, fix by TzakShrike.
REASON: so there's no black border when jumping.
Cammy Stage:
No more pitch-black area on the mountains background.
REASON: looked very ugly.
Claw Stage:
Fixed the missing graphics around the stairs, on both sides (imported graphics from HF, adjusted the tilemaps).
REASON: this looked quite buggy. Now it's finally fixed.
Sprite changes:
Reworked sprites (MMK/Tyrone/Born2SPD):
Blanka Shorts - Designer Notes (MMK):
The colors on Blanka’s shorts have been amended to allow for darker skin tones. Due to the shared palettes in ST, it wasn’t possible before to give Blanka a darker skin color and lighter shorts and hair at the same time, because of the color restrictions. Now there are some cool color combinations and he is less limited. Try some of them out!
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How it wouldlook like in ST | NL new colors |
Cammy Beret - Designer Notes (MMK):
The colors on Cammy’s beret are shared with her skin tone, and for the same reason as Blanka, this has been altered to allow for different palettes to be displayed properly. Having new colors in New Legacy meant that some of these minor adjustments were necessary.
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How it wouldlook like in ST | NL new colors |
Cammy socks (Born2SPD):
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before | now |
Honda Ochio - Designer Notes (Tyrone):
Honda’s original ochio throw is more like an alpha sprite, with less definition and shading. Because it was quite ‘flat’ in appearance compared to CPS1 graphics, it’s been redrawn to better reflect what SF2 sprites are aesthetically. Hopefully this new ochio animation is more faithful to the original art style of the game. For example, the highlights and source lighting drawn on the original ochio frames is in the wrong position compared to Honda’s other sprites, and ST sprites in general.
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ST | NL |
Fixed stray pixels on the following sprites (Born2SPD):
Standing still frame (hand) First pre-jump frame (neck) Standing Jab active frame (transparent pixels on the towel thing, near the front leg) Standing Strong 1st startup frame (transparent pixel on his front leg) Standing Strong 2nd startup frame (transparent pixel on the towel thing, near the front leg) All Standing frames (skin color pixels on his towel) Walking animation 6th frame (skin color pixels on his towel) Crouching frames (skin color pixels on his towel)Neutral Jumping frames (skin color pixels on his towel) Forward jump 1st, 2nd and 5th frames (skin color pixels on his towel) Standing turn around frames (skin color pixels on his towel) Crouching turn around, 1st frame (skin color pixels on his towel) Stand blocking frames (skin color pixels on his towel) Soft knockdown, 3rd frame (skin color pixels on his towel) Stand up win pose frames (skin color pixels on his towel)
Standing still frame (hand) Standing still frame (knee) Standing still frame (ankle bracelet) Crouching stance frame (ankle bracelet) Pre-jump frame (ankle bracelet) Standing turn around, 1st frame (hand) Neutral Jumping, 4th frame (ankle bracelet) Crouch blocking, 1st frame (ankle bracelet) Diagonal Jumping, 6th frame (knee fabric) Far Standing Strong active frame (knee) Electricity attack (chest hair) Far Standing Short kick active frame (back leg fabric) Crouching Strong last startup frame (ankle bracelet)) Crouching Rh active frame (stray pixel on his "belt")
Fierce Grab frame (knee scar) Standing still frame (knee scar)
Crouching reel, 2nd frame (brown pixels at his back)
Multiple frames (beret colored pixels on her face scar)
Standing animation, 3rd frame (around armpit, easy to spot with NL color 13) Standing animation, 3rd frame (around armpit, easy to spot with NL color 13) High Sky Claw non-button press attack (shoes)
Head Stomp hit (hand)
Standing Reel animation (E.G. from a Shoto Far Strong) 1st frame (feet) Diagonal Jumping Rh last startup frame (neck - various pixels) Diagonal Jumping Short 1st startup frame (between hand/knee) Full Knockdown frame (between legs)
Other Sprites adjustments (Born2SPD):
Standing animation, 4th frame (his ear was 1px shorter vertically, making it "flash" in the animation) Overhead/rush punch (various frames had Ryu's eyes with the same color as his gi, one frame also had a a colored mouth) Rush punch (various frames had Ryu's eyes with the same color as his gi) Diagonal Jumping Strong (various frames had Ryu's eyes with the same color as his gi)
Overhead 2nd recovery frame (stray pixels at his back) OBS: this is a tilemap issue, these pixels cant be erased as they're part of another sprite (Guile's Donkey Kick (← + Rh in NL) startup frame). Instead, I moved Guile's sprite 1px to the right.
Stand Block 2nd frame (missing back foot tile piece + 2 pixels missing on his back)
Chun Li:
Close Standing Roundhouse teeth (should be the brightest color)
Far Standing Rh (back elbow missing tile)
Standing reel animation (e.g. from a Shoto Far Fierce) 2nd frame (mouth shouldn't be colored)
Standing still frame's hair (was using wrong colors, this is very noticeable on the new palettes don't have blonde hair)
Fierce normal grab 2nd hit animation (missing knee tile)
Blocking animation, 1st frame (hair) Far Standing Forward kick, active frame (fabric at his back) Far Standing Roundhouse, 1st active frame (hair + flippers)
Portrait fixes:
Loss portrait (removed teeth colors on his forehead, this was very noticeable on the secret1 color)
Normal portrait (removed skin tone stray pixel from collarbone area, this was very perceptible in NL colors 20 and 22)
Loss portrait (her knuckles don't use the darkest skin color anymore, like on the normal portrait)
Stage fixes:
Ken Stage:
Tweaked the horizon line (edge between ocean and sky) so it looks correctly with the new stage palette.
Fixed stray pixels at the side of the arm of the dude with sunglasses and weird hair.
New/custom sprites:
Fei new neutral jumping punch sprite, by Tyrone:
Used on N.Fei's Neutral Jumping Fierce and O.Fei's Neutral Jumping Strong.
Akuma Dizzy animation, from XCOTA:
Previously (up until v0.7.1) I had tweaked his dizzy animation to use some pushback reel sprites, which didn't looked bad, but now thankfully I finally managed to give him the proper sprites from the X-MEN arcade game.
Akuma Electricity hitstun unused sprite restored. Its colors had to be reindexed for it to work.
Other fixes:
Fixed some stray pixels on the globe below Oceania (only easily seem with palmods, i am doing this for the future, just in case this screen is recolored), on the Char select screen. Also smoothed some edges on the globe.
"VS" graphic on vs screen (fixed small problem with the "lightning" effect on the last frame).
"SUPER" graphic on vs screen and lose screen (right "leg" on the R now has the proper length).
Small fixes on the character small nameplates (inconsistency on shadows). Though the rightmost shadow sometimes couldn't be fixed since that would require a new 16x16 piece just for that, and that would be a headache (e.g. Dhalsim, E.Honda).