- FEI LONG - |
Fei Long on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
Close Standing Roundhouse (+/+) Neutral Jumping Strong/Fierce (o) Diagonal Jumping Forward (+/+) Neutral Jumping Roundhouse (+) Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse (-) GOAL OF THE CHANGESI disliked what was done to him in HDR, the only good change on it was his Super. His combo potential after a Chicken Wing will be kept as it is in ST, that change from HDR was really unnecessary and really killed part of the fun of using Fei. The additional movement speed on Fierce Rekkas he received on HDR was also unnecessary and won't be replicated, that only gave more unbalance to the game. I know that was made so Fei could still combo Rekkas against some characters with buggy hurtboxes, but I opted to just fix these hurtboxes instead, so now his combos into Rekkas now work properly against all the cast. Fei is already a solid character in ST, the only problem with him is that he had to deal with certain BS on certain match-ups, I'll help him on these situations and I'm sure he'll be OK in the end. Finally, he'll receive some very small damage nerfs on his combo moves, since he doesn't have to do damage that massive since the bad match-ups are way more manageable now. |
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Throws:o Behavior tweak: aerial throws can't be activated with down anymore (diagonals still work). REASON: I think this is a bug. + Behavior buff: aerial throws minimal activation height on the upwards part of the jump reduced from 64 to 48. REASON: Just making it a little more usable. |
Passive Grab Animations:++ Behavior buff: last kick throw animation vs Honda, Guile, Boxer and DeeJay tweaked so now the built-in safejump setup also work on these match-ups. REASON: there's a built-in safejump setup in ST that works like this: when the opponent techs the throw from mid screen, Fei can hold up-towards and that jump will be a safejump against Dhalsim, Claw and Sagat. Now, in NL this will also work on more match-ups (mainly disadvantageous match-ups). |
Crouching head hurtbox:
+ Priority buff: moved 1px downwards. REASON: so now Boxer's Standing Fierce whiffs when Fei is crouching/crouch blocking. AFAIK this is one of the reasons why this match is hard. I tested all Standing and Crouching Normals from the game and the only unintended effect is that Claw's Standing Strong also whiffs now, which is OK since Claw is a hard match for Fei as well. Nerfing Boxer's Standing Fierce instead is NOT an alternative since Honda's Crouching head had the same height as Fei's (in ST), which would make Boxer's Fierce whiff against a crouching Honda, and this would be unfair for Boxer on that match-up. |
Knockdown animations:
- Behavior nerf: proper (i.e. smaller) pushboxes. REASON: now it fits the sprites better. The main effects of it are: Shotos can crossover with tatsus more easily, the same goes for O.Blanka with Horizontal Rolls, and for Sagat with Tiger Knee. But, with all that said, the change on Fei is not as impactful as on other characters, i am doing this just for the sake of consistency. |
Far Standing Jab:
+ Priority buff: active part head hurtbox reduced 6px forward, body hurtbox moved 9px backwards, leg hurtbox moved 23px backwards. REASON: so it has around the same horizontal priority as Ryu's Standing Jab, now it can be used as a counter to Honda's Headbutt since Fei's Standing Short was modified to serve another purpose. |
Far Standing Strong:
+ Priority buff: active part body hurtbox reduced 12px downwards. REASON: So now Boxer's Low rush won't hit it, giving Fei a somewhat new counter to it that won't be prone to trades as much as the counters he used before. This also can't get hit by Honda's tweaked Far Standing Fierce. |
Crouching Strong:
+ Priority buff: 2nd startup startup/1st recovery body hurtbox moved 3px upwards. REASON: so now DeeJay's Crouching Forward whiffs against it (with his nerfs) and Claw's slide whiffs against it. IMPACTS: Chun's Kikoukens and Ken's Hadoukens will now hit Fei (with a specific spacing) before the move becomes active. All of them are ok for balance. I didn't buffed this hurtbox more because it would make Chun's Crouching Forward whiff, which would be bad for balance. + Priority buff: active part arm hurtbox reduced 4px downwards. REASON: doesn't get hit by Dhalsim's Far Crouching Punches (as well as his Close Crouching Kicks) and O.DeeJay's tweaked Crouching Forward. IMPACTS: It will also not get hit by Guile's Crouching kicks, Blanka's Crouching Forward (would also affect his Crouching Rh and slide if it wasn't for the buffs I gave to these moves, these changes guarantees that this Fei buff is OK) and Cammy's Crouching Rh, but it's OK since now both Fei and the opponent's move whiff but Guile/Blanka/Cammy have other tools to beat it easily. + Priority buff: hitbox expanded 1px vertically. REASON: So now it can beat DeeJay's low kicks with the adjustments he received. I can't do this compensation on DeeJay's side because then Shotos would be able to beat these DeeJay normals with their Crouching Strongs. From my tests, the only impacts to this are that Honda's Standing Strong and Cammy's Standing Forward can now be beaten with this adjustment, but I moved her hurtbox 1px higher so DeeJay's Crouching Strong whiffs vs her kick, so that impact was neutralized, and the Honda impact is meaningless. |
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Fierce:
- Damage/random damage nerf: 1st hit decreased from 28(1) to 26(0).
REASON: lowering a little his combo damage. He is considerably better at getting in on the bad match-ups due to the new tools he received so it's fair for him to be a little less brutal regarding his combos.
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28(1) ➔ 26(0) |
Far Standing Fierce:
- Priority nerf: hitbox reduced 8px downwards.
REASON: doesn't beat Blanka's Slide anymore. It still beats all Honda's normals and HHs exactly the same (the horizontal priority is the same) so I think this is okay.
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ST | NL |
Crouching Fierce:
- Priority nerf: 3rd startup part head hurtbox moved 23px forward and 17px downwards, recovery part split in two: one that is exactly like the 3rd startup part, and another one that stays as it currently is.
REASON: The neutral game on Zangief vs Fei was considerably unfair for Zangief. Zangief can now hit Fei's head during the first recovery part with his Far Standing Forward. This change somewhat makes it unusable to hit bellow projectiles, unlike it used to do on ST, but that was only really usable vs Ken anyway and that never was a bad match-up so it's all OKay. O.Fei will still be untouched regarding that so the same can still be achieved with O.Fei, if you really care for that. By the way, Fei still has counters for Zangief's Standing Forward, it's just that Fei will have to care about it now. IMPACTS: The only really serious impact that this would have is that it could be beaten by Boxer's Crouching Strong. TOoaid in that, Fei's Crouching Forward now received a buff on its hitbox which makes it have a similar range to Crouching Fierce while not being vulnerable to Boxer's Crouching Strong. It has bad priority at the front though, so it's vulnerable to Boxer's Crouching Forward, but if Boxer spams that move he's then vulnerable to Rekkas so all in all I think this is a good change.
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 4px downwards.
REASON: so it now registers as a low hit against a stand blocking Dictator. This has no other impacts in the game since there's no hurtbox so close to the ground for it to whiff without this buff (and, by the way, this will look a little out of place if you look at how the hitbox picture looks, but it's nowhere as bad as ST Boxer's Crouching Forward, for example). Now, the only character that can STAND block this from point blank is O.Boxer.
- Damage nerf: from 28 to 26.
REASON: So the trades with Hawk's Crouching Forward are more even.
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28 ➔ 26 |
Close Standing Short:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 8px forward and 1px upwards, reduced 3px downwards.
REASON: so it will whiff less from point blank. The upwards buff is for it to reach Blanka from a little farther.
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ST | NL |
Far Standing Short:
o Priority tweak: active part body hurtbox reduced 8px downwards, expanded 24px forward.
REASON: the buff downwards is for it to be used as mash move that counters Boxer's low rushes, just like Zangief do with his Standing Jab. The horizontal nerf is for Boxer to be able to trade with his Standing Fierce otherwise it would be too brain dead for Fei to just mash the move. Because of that nerf this move won't be suitable anymore to be used as a counter to Headbutts, which is why his Standing Jab will be buffed to have the same priority as Standing Jabs from other characters that counter it.
+ Damage buff: from 4 to 12.
REASON: this is a complement to the change above, so it is actually effective.
- Priority nerf: hitbox reduced 8px downwards.
REASON: now that Cammy's Drills received a priority nerf, I know that this still could fail sometimes really don't think Fei should be able to do this. Maybe this isn't really needed but I think it's better to play safe.
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ST | NL |
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4 ➔ 12 |
Crouching Short:
+ Priority buff: active part body hurtbox expanded 18px forward and 7px downwards but decreased 11px upwards, leg hurtbox decreased 27px forward.
REASON: so now it's an anti Claw slide move (same head hurtbox, uses leg hurtbox from Cr.jab, new body hurtbox that keeps the same horizontal priority at front(so it isn't any better vs other low moves), but positioned higher - priority is now somewhat like DeeJay's Cr.Short). Just an attempt of helping Fei on this hard match-up. I don't know how effective this is. Claw can obviously counter it with Standing normals.
+ Damage buff: from 4 to 12.
REASON: this is a complement to the change above, so it is actually effective.
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ST | NL |
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4 ➔ 12 |
Close Standing Forward:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 4px upwards.
REASON: so it can beat Claw's wall dive when he's right above Fei. Fei's Close Standing Fierce and Roundhouse don't work really well if Claw moves in direction of Fei's back, because the hitbox on these Fei normals are placed at his front. This will come into play mainly to negate Claw's wall dive loops now that the Flying Barcelona Attack gives a fast knockdown (i.e. like a sweep) on hit.
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ST | NL |
Crouching Forward:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 10px forward.
REASON: the buff in range is for it to counter DeeJay's Crouching Strong from a more comfortable range. It will also be better vs Claw's Crouching Punches and Boxer's Crouching Strong. The only match-up in which this has the risk of being too good is vs Ken I believe (this is dealt with the change below).
- Priority nerf: active part leg hurtbox expanded 10px forward and moved 3px upwards.
REASON: So the change above won't make this move too good on match-ups in where it shouldn't. Here are the counters these characters have for it: Zangief has Sweep and Standing Forward; Hawk has Crouching Fierce, Crouching Forward (Far) and Strong DP; Blanka has Horizontal Rolls and Crouching Short; Ken can trade safely with his improved Crouching Forward.
- Priority nerf: recovery frames uses the same hurtboxes as in the startup.
REASON: needed to keep this move balanced.
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Roundhouse:
+ Framedata buff: startup 3f faster, 1st active part stays active for 1f less.
REASON: Just to make this move usable, it looks cool but in ST this is unfortunately useless. Close Fierce is still the better option for anti air though since it has better activation range, comes out faster and also does more damage, but now at least this can be used as a 2-hitter a little easier. Also, going for a Rh throw that whiffs will be a little better: a potential anti air will come out faster.
+ Damage buff: from 20+20 to 14+28.
REASON: The total damage is only buffed by 2 points, the real benefit of this change is that the anti air part does high damage now. Maybe with all the buffs this move is usable now?
9/4/6/3 |
6/3/6/3 |
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20+20 ➔ 14+28 |
Neutral Jumping Strong/Fierce:
o Behaviour tweak: Swap animations.
REASON: In ST, Strong has better priority than Fierce as a air to ground neutral Jump attack, in a way that can be used as a neutral Jump over a Yoga Fire and has good priority to trade if Dhalsim them reacts with a standing Kick. If Fierce has that priority instead, then trades would be a little better for Fei. I know this will not do that much on that match, but it's just something that I could think of to help Fei when facing Sim.
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Neutral Jumping Fierce:
o Cosmetic tweak: active frame now uses a proper punching sprite, made by Tyrone.
REASON: In ST, Fei shared the same sprite for Neutral Jumping Jab and Neutral Jumping Strong. Due to the reasons explained on this changelog, Neutral Jumping Strong and Neutral Jumping Fierce switched sprites, the only issue left with that was that the sprite used didn't really made sense for a Fierce move. Now, with this new custom sprite, the issue is solved.
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before,original from ST | redraw,by Tyrone |
Neutral Jumping Short:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 6px forward.
REASON: so it can now beat Honda's Headbutts.
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ST | NL |
Diagonal Jumping Short:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 5px downwards and 8px forward but reduced 9px upwards.
REASON: so it has the same air to ground priority than O.Fei so it can beat Honda's Headbutts. The nerf upwards is for it to not be as good as O.Fei's.
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ST | NL |
Neutral Jumping Forward:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 12px forward but decreased 18px downwards.
REASON: so it can be somewhat used as a counter to Claw's dive. Can trade sometimes and the punch dive counters it cleanly so it's not a perfect but at least it's a new tool for Fei on this bad match-up. The nerf on the vertical priority is for it to not be too good on other match-ups.
+ Priority buff: "leg" hurtbox during active decreased 6px downwards.
REASON: happens because this is (now in NL) shared with Chicken Wings 3rd active part, and that received an adjust in v0.8. Should be of almost no impact for this move.
+ Framedata buff: stays active for 4f more.
REASON: makes the change above more usable vs Claw.
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ST | NL |
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3/8/∞ |
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3/12/∞ |
Diagonal Jumping Forward:
+ Behavior buff: pushbox during startup and active frames decreased 8px downwards.
REASON: much easier to use as a cross-up against thinner certain characters.
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 3px backwards and 15px forward, leg hurtbox also expanded forward by 24px and downwards by 2px.
REASON: the backwards change is for it to complement the change above. Up until v0.6 I had it buffed by 9px but without the pushbox improvement, and it did solve the problem for the most part, but then against the characters that Fei already could cross-up in ST (e.g. Hawk), now he could do it in very ambiguous ways, and that proved to be too good. So I had to rework the fix. As for the forward priority change, it's for it to have better reach against Dhalsim's slide (since Fei's move doesn't has enough downwards range to reach his leg hurtbox). It also now matches his sprite somewhat, which is also a plus, since it was weird as it was. I had to nerf the priority on it considerably so everyone can counter this move OK. The downwards priority was nerfed slightly so Chun's Far Standing Forward can beat it from the right spacing as well as Far Standing Fierce can trade. This was never the best air move Fei had for Horizontal priority anyway, so this is still a net positive overall.
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ST | NL |
Neutral Jumping Rh:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 10px forward.
REASON: the neutral version is worse than the diagonal version for some reason. With this change it's now somewhat usable, but still doesn't shine in any particular situation as far as I'm aware.
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ST | NL |
Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse:
- Damage nerf: from 30 to 28.
REASON: lowering a little his combo damage. He is considerably better at getting in on the bad match-ups due to the new tools he received so it's fair for him to be a little less brutal regarding his combos.
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30 ➔ 28 |
Hop Kick:
o Behavior/Priority fix: last recovery part now uses the right hurt/pushboxes.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
Double Kick:
++ Behavior tweak/Startup nerf: 1st animation frame is 3f longer.
REASON: So Fei stays 3f longer on the ground, allowing him to Kara cancel this move for the maximum amount of frames that his cancel window allows. This solves the problem on his Rh Chicken Wing being too hard to do.
16/3/4/9 |
19/3/4/9 |
All Specials/Super:
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
o Behavior tweak: 1st input's timer now stays at the maximum value while the 1st input is being hold.
REASON: I am doing this to all non charge special moves. This fixes a problem that affected even the best players on the world regarding walk in DPs: depending on the timing you go for downward (2nd required input for a DP), a walk-in DP would always fail. Lemme explain: on the 1st frame that you input towards (1st required input for a DP), the input COUNTER will be updated and the input TIMER will receive a value that will be decremented on each frame (this is the input timer, this was semi-random on unmodified ST, but is now a fixed value on my hack), meaning you have up to 6 frames to input downwards (2nd required input for a DP). If you input downwards before that timer reaches 0, the counter will be updated again, the timer will also receive a new value again and will then wait for the 3rd input direction required (down-forward). But there's a problem: if you spent all these 6 frames walking forward and then input downward on the 7th frame, the input window will not be increased because at that moment the DP input counter would be back to 0 and is now expecting the 1st input direction again. If you do it on 8th frame it will work though. And that's only considering a frame perfect scenario, a human player will spend more than 1 frame to go from forward to down so there are more than enough chances of missing. So that means that walk in DPs will fail around 10%~20% of the time, not even the Grand Masters can avoid this fact. With my change, this problem is solved: it's now possible to be 100% consistent with walk-in DPs. I also applied this same change to all non charge special moves as well, since there isn't really a reason to not do it. Normal anti-air (stationary) DPs are not any easier though.
Rekka Ken:
- Behavior nerf: super meter given decreased from 6*3 to 4*3 points.
REASON: the 3x Rekka string gives a whooping 18 points of meter(more than 1/3 of full the meter)... it's simply too much. This was the main reason why Fei's meter gets full so fast. Since his super will be better to connect (less invulnerability yeah, but more horizontal movement is more useful) I am nerfing this, so he will get less supers per round (instead of like a maximum of 3, maybe only 2?).
+ Behavior fix: Jab version's 1st and 2nd punches now do high hit-stun like the other Rekka Punches.
REASON: I believe this is a bug. It was impossible to combo with 3 Jab Rekkas because the first 2 punches did mediocre hit-stun.
+ Priority buff: body hurtbox during active frames moved 1px downwards.
REASON: so it cant be reached by DeeJay's Crouching Fierce 1st hitbox. So now instead of trading, Fei will beat DeeJay's move during that moment, making it a little more unsafer for DeeJay to whiff this move. The move should behave the same against all other ground moves.
- Damage nerf: 1st hit damage changed from 16 to 14.
REASON: lowering a little his combo damage. He is considerably better at getting in on the bad match-ups due to the new tools he received so it's fair for him to be a little less brutal regarding his combos.
- Damage nerf: 3rd hit damage changed from 22(2)|24(2)|26(2) to 24(0)|24(1)|24(2) (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: lowering a little his combo damage. He is considerably better at getting in on the bad match-ups due to the new tools he received so it's fair for him to be a little less brutal regarding his combos. As you can see, Fierce got a little worse but Jab got a little better. Overall this is obviously a nerf since Fierce is the most used one as a 3rd hit.
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16 ➔ 141st hit | 22(2)|24(2)|26(2) ➔ 24(0)|24(1)|24(2)3rd hit |
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ST | NL |
Flame Kick:
- Behavior nerf: super meter given decreased from 8 to 7 points.
REASON: His super is way better now so he should build meter slower. Most DPs give either 6 or 7 points of meter, only Ken's and Fei's gave 8pts on ST. Now it's on par with other DPs and will require one more flame kick to fill an empty meter.
++ Behavior/Priority buff: Short version has no leg hurtbox during the active parts, 1st and 2nd active parts of the "spinning part" body hurtbox reduced 4px downwards and expanded 10px backwards.
REASON: can pass through Max Outs, Yoga Fires and Sonic booms (but not through Hadoukens and Kikoukens). DeeJay and Dhalsim are the only projectile match-ups in which Fei Long do really really badly. It passing through Sonic Booms is an unavoidable consequence, because Sonic Boom's hitboxes are the slimmest among projectiles, but due to Sonic Booms fast recovery, this will hardly be a threat to Guile. The backwards nerf is for it to be beat by Hawk's DP almost every time when in point blank range.
- Behavior tweak: Short version rises higher and has 2f longer duration.
REASON: It need to rise a little higher otherwise I would have to change the hurtbox too much to make it pass through projectiles. The change here is somewhat comparable with the HDR change that made it an unsafer move, but here it won't be 7f slower.
+ Behavior tweak: Forward version rises higher and has 2f longer duration (also 2f longer falling), gains more horizontal movement.
REASON: Just to blend better between Short and the new Rh version.
+ Behavior tweak: Rh version rises higher and has 1f longer duration (also 1f longer falling), gains a lot more horizontal movement.
REASON: Now there is a reason to use the Rh flame kick. it also helps on its combo ability to work from non point-blank distances.
+ Recovery buff: 1st grounded recovery part made faster 3f.
REASON: This is mainly done compensate for the change on the Short version that made it have +4f of overall duration (since it rises little higher now), with this change it's only 1f slower than how it was on ST. The change on the other versions is just to make them a little more usable, Fei is already pretty much defenseless if Forward/Rh versions don't hit anyway.
+ Damage/dizzy/hit amount tweak: Forward version changed from 30+18 to 34/20 (now a 1-hit move), high dizzy on both 1st and 2nd parts like the Short version.
REASON: So the change below works as intended. It also looks better this way anyway, having both Forward and Rh versions as 2-hitters made little sense: why would you favor Forward over Rh when you want that?
+ Priority buff: Forward version 1st active part hitbox expanded 12px downwards.
REASON: So it can now beat Dhalsim's Crouching Punches and maybe Guile's Crouching Forward as well. It will also be able to hit Honda's Command Sweep, Dhalsim's Slides and DeeJay's tweaked Crouching Kicks, and all of these are OK for balance too, but these won't come into play very often. Note that it can only beat these low moves on the very first active frame so this will demand precision, but now at least Fei got a little more help on these unfavorable match-ups. Maybe one could argue that Fei doesn't need his against N.Guile, considering all the other buffs he received already, but I do think he needs it against O.Guile. By the way, there are some impacts that I'm not really happy with, but I guess it will be OK in the end because the Forward version has a lot of recovery so it's always a gamble in part of the Fei player to go for it. These cases are: Hawk's Crouching Forward, Sagat's Crouching Kicks Blanka's Crouching Rh and Zangief's Crouching Kicks. This move was buffed just enough so it can reach the hurtboxes on the moves mentioned. All the other kicks can still be whiffed without the risk of being beat by a Flame Kick.
+ Behavior buff: Rh version push-back on hit during the 1st part completely negated.
REASON: It can combo properly now. I think this is a way better solution to fix the combo miss problem than just making it juggle (like on HDR), since that just adds more problems that are harder to fix.
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ST | NL |
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ST | NL |
Chicken Wing:
+ Behavior tweak: 3rd input required changed from down-forward to forward.
REASON: this is a way to make the input more lenient while also keeping the last input as up-forward still. This is the change that contributes the most for this move being easier to do now (yeah, even more than the input bug below). Now it should be at the same level of difficulty of a Tiger Knee, which IMO is exactly the right amount of difficulty for this move.
+ Bug fix: can perform a Forward/Rh versions normally if the button press is done on the same frame as the last direction.
REASON: Yeah, this was also part of the problem with its input.
- Priority nerf: 2nd active part leg hurtbox expanded 2px forward.
REASON: Zangief's Far Standing Rh will now always trade with it. This is a problem move on that match-up, Zangief deserves help here.
- Priority nerf: 3rd active part body hurtbox increased 18px forward but decreased 6px downwards.
REASON: Worse priority against high hitting stuff, but works the same as low hitting moves. In some rare cases this could hit Zangief's Standing Rh, so this is needed for the change above to work fully. The downwards change is for it to behave the same against Honda's Headbutts.
+ Startup buff: Short version 1f faster.
REASON: To "blend" better between versions. Now it's 19|20|21 (Short|Forward|Rh). Short version is way less useful than Rh so it's OK.
- Damage nerf: Rh version 3rd hit damage decreased from 16 to 12.
REASON: lowering a little his combo damage. He is considerably better at getting in on the bad match-ups due to the new tools he received so it's fair for him to be a little less brutal regarding his combos. Now it does as much damage as the 3rd hit of the Short and Forward kick versions.
- Behavior nerf: invulnerable parts on startup are now vulnerable TO THROWS only.
REASON: I think this is needed on the Zangief match-up. Escaping tick into SPDs with a 60% life combo was NOT fair, even thought Zangief could bait it. Zangief shouldn't care about that when finally having a chance of ticking Fei.
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ST | NL |
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16 ➔ 123rd hit |
+ Behavior buff: covers more ground, like in HDR.
REASON: The ground covered is 99% like in HDR, I did my best in replicating it, but I know it's not 100% exact. Anyway, this change makes the super safer on block on most occasions and gives more range to allow it to punish more whiffed stuff. On the other hand, Fei generates less super meter now and the super is not 100% invulnerable anymore, which compensates for the range buff.
- Priority nerf: from the 3rd active part till the last active part now Fei has a head hurtbox.
REASON: Proved to be a fair nerf on HDR to compensate the better velocity. This is also good for balance because now Zangief can bait it and beat it with 3K lariat, just like he can do vs Chun's Super. Fei can not pass through Ken's Hadoukens and Chuns Kikoukens anymore (as soon as it stops being 100% invulnerable) and Ryu's Hadouken may still hit Fei on the specific startup frames of the projectile hitbox which will rarely happen. Still can pass through Sonic Booms, Max Outs and Low Tigers during the entirety of the move. IMPACTS: Since his super is safe on block now (see change below), it may feel like this super is now too safe, but I really believe it's not the case, since almost every character can punish it by reaction of the super flash by jumping back, in case Fei does it from not close enough (e.g. out of sweep range). Here's a detailed list of options for every character: Ryu/Akuma: jump back Rh will basically always work if Fei does the super from a little closer than round start distance. You can also go for a KD with Air Tatsu, unless you're using N.Ken. Ken: like above but Air Tatsu doesn't KD so don't go for that. Also, if in corner, jump with Forward Kick, not Rh, so it can hit as a cross-up. Honda/Blanka/Guile/Fei/DeeJay/Sagat: similar to Ken's. Chun: her jump arc is way bigger than most so the air normal may not reach, but she can punish the recovery with a sweep or any back charge move (super included !) after landing from the back jump. If in corner, the air normal will hit Fei, obviously. Zangief: don't bother jumping back (even though that works), the best option for Zangief is to react to the super flash with a 3K lariat, it will beat his super, setting up a cross-up setup for Zangief. Dhalsim: jump back will allow Dhalsim to land exactly during the super recovery frames, avoiding all hits. This allow him to grab Fei during his recovery or even punish with his super. You may opt to punish it with a Drill, but it's not optimal. T.Hawk: similar to Ken's. A Dive will not hit Fei unfortunately, so don't bother. Cammy: a jump back usually doesn't work well but Cammy, unlike others, can jump neutrally instead and it work better in most cases, unless Fei is very very close to her. If you jumped back and the air move whiffed, try doing a Thrust Kick (DP) as soon as you land. Boxer: same as Ken, though it's better to use Strong since it has better horizontal range. If cornered, a back jump will most probably not work so just block it. Claw: due to how quick his jump is, a back jump with a normal will most likely not hit (unless cornered), but a neutral jump and even a forward jump can work. Dictator: same as Chun, but you'll most likely not have charge for anything but a Crusher.
+ Behavior buff: 1st and 3rd hits now do Medium BLOCK stun/push-back.
REASON: will get 5 hits of chip damage if the 1st hit connects. I know Fei's Super is now relatively good, and this makes it slightly better, and that's okay, in exchange he builds meter much slower than he used to. Plus, theres no reason for Boxer's or Ryu's etc to be so easy to be used as a chip killer but not Fei's.
o Damage tweak: from 18*5 to 12+12+16+16+24.
REASON: this doubles as a buff and as a nerf. It's a nerf because the total damage is reduced, but it's also a buff because now the last hit does more damage, meaning if done from a distance it will do more damage than before.
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Due to the adjustment on Honda's Standing Stance Leg Hurt-box, Rekkas connect properly now, this is by far the main upgrade on this match. Strong and Fierce HHS got a priority nerf as well, so Fei's Fierce actually have chances of beating them, instead of trading (not reliable tho). Also, Diagonal Jumping Short can now beat Headbutts cleanly now, at least on backward jumps. Note that Standing Short can't be used as a counter to Headbutts anymore due to the changes made for the vs Boxer match-up, but Standing Jab was adjusted so it can be used for that purpose instead. Anyway, the match-up is still in Honda's favor, but id say it's at least 3.5-6.5 now, or maybe even a 4-6?
Standing Fierce beats his Standing Kicks on startup and Short Flame Kick can pass through Yoga Fires. New Forward Flame Kick can beat his Crouching Punches now. Also, when Fei is close enough, Dhalsim's Far Crouching Punches are not safe now since Rekkas can reach Dhalsim's head. New Neutral Jumping Fierce can be a little useful (but nothing revolutionary) when neutral jumping Yoga Fires. It's also easier to beat his anti air slides with Jumping Forward now. Not sure if these are enough, but surely helps. Dhalsim received many small nerfs and these do help Fei as well. I think it's a 3.5-6.5 at worst now, but may be even better than that.
DeeJay's crouch blocking hurtbox was nerfed so it's possible to connect a Fierce Rekka from round start distance, which allows Fei to not only start already with a block string but also to punish stuff from a more comfortable range. Fei's Crouching Strong received a very small adjustment and DeeJay's Crouching Forward/Rh received calculated Nerfs so now Fei's new Crouching Strong (as well as Rekkas 2nd/3rd Punches) beats DeeJay's Crouching Forward cleanly on poke/footsies range (and can hit his Crouching Rh as well, but that's risky). Forward Flame Kick can now beat his Crouching Kicks too. Also, the Short Flame Kick can pass through Max Outs now. I think these changes brings the match-up to fair status, considering all the other small nerfs DeeJay received, but maybe I'm too optimistic?
Boxer's crouch blocking hurtbox was nerfed so it's possible to connect a Fierce Rekka from round start distance, which allows Fei to not only start already with a block string but also to punish stuff from a more comfortable range. Since Fei's crouching head hurtbox was buffed slightly, Boxer's Standing Fierce now whiffs against a crouching Fei. Fei's Far Standing Short received some small tweaks for it to be used as a mash to counter Boxers Low Rush (just like Zangief's Standing Jab), Far Strong received similar treatment to counter Low Rushes too, but I still don't know how good it is at that. Boxer's Super can now be punished on block by Fei with a Reversal Flame Kick. Other than these changes, I'm hoping that the general Boxer nerfs and the general Fei's buffs evens it out, but maybe I'm too optmistic?
The main change is that the Wall Dive is way less of a threat now, since the loop is not a thing anymore. Also, Fei's Crouching Forward is decent counter to Claw's Crouching Strong, New Rh Flame kick may be decent to hit Claw when he goes to the wall, but not if he is already diving. Neutral Jumping Forward was improved to be somewhat a counter to Claw's Dive, but it's not excellent at that (trades too often). Claw's crouching hurtbox was tweaked so now the 1st Rekka Hit will always connect after a Close Standing Fierce cancel. Also, Crouching Short is now a counter to Claw's slide and Close Standing Forward can beat dives that are right above Fei. I hope these changes plus Claw's nerfs are enough to make this mu at least a 4-6.
This wasn't a very bad match-up to begin with, but I felt like adding this here just to emphasize this: the classic block strings from CW into Standing Fierce into Rekkas now connect properly. Also, Diagonal Jumping Short can beat Psycho Crusher cleanly if landing on top of it. Not much of a difference but I guess these are welcome. It was not a really bad match-up to begin with though...