Stomach gut reel animation (-) Close/Far Standing Forward (+) Far Standing Roundhouse (+/+/o) GOAL OF THE CHANGESMake him play more like CPS1 Dictator, but without being too strong (like in CE) or too weak (like in HF), as well as have some differences (e.g. will still have his different Devil Reverse, plus some other buffs). His Scissor Kick will not knockdown (like in CPS1) and will have good frame advantage on like in CE (allowing for you to link a normal after that). Because of that, I had to remove the special cancel properties on his Jabs because it was possible to combo scissor into jabs and then cancel it into specials, for (re)dizzy combos, just like in CE. My idea here is that O.Dictator will combo scissors into 'combo ender' normals, like any Standing Kick or Crouching Forward like he could in CPS1, but not Jabs into "infinite"/re-dizzy combos. That's a big no. Another nice thing from CE that is now included are the extra chip hits on Psycho Crusher. Jab and Strong Crushers do 1 additional chip hit now (so it's like CE) and Fierce can do up to 2 additional hits (from 3 to 4~5). In CE you often could get 6+, but that won't be possible because the hitbox on Fierce Crusher won't be extended to his legs (because this would give him his ambiguous cross-up loops that he had in CE, which were very cheap. He will also receive normals properties from CPS1 as well. He still can TOD, but it's totally different now. His aerial combos are now: cross-up Forward/Rh -> Close Short -> Standing/Crouching Strong -> Standing Rh || J.Rh -> Standing/Crouching Strong -> Standing Rh || J.Rh -> Crouching Jab xx Crusher. Also, Crouching Jab is easily linkable into Crouching Short (now his only special cancelable normal) which can be used for block strings or combos. My idea is for him to use Crouching Jabs in block string/combos to resemble how he was played in CPS1. As for his special cancel window, on CE/HF/SSF2 Dictator has a special cancel window of 4f. ST's Old as well as new Dictator have a special cancel window of 5f. The only differences by this between SSF2 Dictator and O.Dictator are Crouching Strong and Crouching Forward (on SSF2, Dictator doesn't has his classic cross-up TOD combo). On CPS1 he can only special cancel his Standing and Crouching Jabs. I decided to make it like CPS1, but I also had to remove his special cancel on his Jabs to remove his (re)dizzy combos that were OP as hell on CE. In exchange, I gave him a cancelable Crouching Short (having a chain cancelable normal that is also special cancelable will never work well with a no-kd Scissors). Other than that, O.Dictator will now have to combo mostly by linking normals, as described above. |
ColorsNew Legacy colors
Original colors*
*Old Alternative color (10) changed. |
Special cancel window:- Special cancel window nerf: 1f smaller. REASON: For him to be like he was in CPS1. Crouching Forward for example will not be special cancel-able anymore. |
Stomach gut reel animation:
- Priority nerf: head hurtbox expanded forward by 14px. REASON: Now Fei can combo Fierce into Rekkas properly as well as Chicken Wing into Fierce (into rekkas). IMPACTS: The only bad impact I know of is that Chun no can combo Fierce into Kikouken, but it doesn't connect most of the time though. |
Jump animation:
++ Priority buff: body and leg hurtboxes like they were in CPS1. REASON: just giving something he had on HF. This makes his empty jump have better hurtboxes downwards by a considerable margin and also affects the startup and recovery of some of his aerial normals. More importantly, it also affect some of his special moves: Head Stomp now can be better used against incoming projectiles and also has extremely good priority(specially the Short version), and it also affects his Scissor Kick, allowing it to avoid some low normals during the airborne flip animation as well as to pass above Low Tigers. It won't ruin the Sagat match-up because the 1st hit is what hits Sagat 99% of the time, and even on the odd scenarios in which is the 2nd hit that connects, it won't knockdown because O.Dictator received that change from CPS1 Dictator. |
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ST | NL |
+ Damage buff: Throw damage increased from 32 to 34 (if behind in rounds, increased from 34 to 36).
REASON: I'm buffing the damage of all ground throws (but not holds) of old characters so they get a small compensation for not being able to tech throws. That means that the base throw damage is 34 points now, like Dhalsim's Fierce throw in ST. Also, there will be rounds in which the behind in rounds damage will be 38 instead of 36 and thats just how the game is coded to be, the same happened with Dhalsim's Fierce throw in ST.
+ Recovery buff: recovers 8f faster.
REASON: Dictator should have a strong throw game, but the old version having no throw tech really meant it still wouldn't be as worthy, so he must receive something big to make up for it. This change means that O.Dic can now go for a cross under slide from mid screen too (beware of Reversals though). If the slide is blocked, O.Dic will usually be around -1 ~ +2, so he can use the blocked slide as a tick. Alternatively, he can also now jump towards the opponent immediately to keep the pressure, but how safe this is varies per match-up. Also, remember that charge characters will not have back charge right when recovering from it since there's a side switch during the grab animation. NOTEs: regarding the crossup immediate slide from mid screen, here are how it differs per match-up: Boxer/Sagat/Dictator/DeeJay: Impossible. It's safe on block though, so it's not a terrible option. Blanka/Guile/Cammy: very hard to time as a crossup, requires a perfect button press after the throw. It will still be safe on block though, so it's not so bad. Dhalsim: you have to delay it a bit or it will whiff. Everyone else: O.Dic can do it just fine. NOTEs: regarding jumping immediately, here are the main impacts per match-up: Ryu/Ken/Akuma: Reversal Shoryuken beats the jump in every time. E.Honda: safe. Diagonal jump Forward kick is a granted follow-up. Blanka: can counter it clean by mashing Jab for Jab Electricity. Chun: can make it whiff by doing an immediate Close Standing Forward kick. All Tensho Kyaku strengths lose to it though. Guile: can make it whiff by doing an immediate Donkey kick. If he tech throws it while keeping down charge then a Flash kicks can beat it. Zangief: Reversal Lariat will whiff completely, though if O.Dic presses a button too soon may result in a trade. Dhalsim: can make it whiff by doing an immediate Short slide. Cammy: safe. Diagonal jump Forward kick is a granted follow-up (Reversal Thrust Kick gets beaten cleanly). T.Hawk: Reversal Tomahawk Buster whiffs completely. If Hawk delays it it will hit O.Dic. Fei: Reversal Short Flame Kick beats it every time. DeeJay: can make it whiff by doing an immediate slide. Claw: can make it whiff by doing an immediate Crouching Strong punch. Boxer: should be safe for O.Dic. Sagat: Reversal Tiger Uppercut will beat/trade it every time, with 2 exceptions: 1) Diagonal Jumping Forward can beat it, but then Sagat can do another Tiger Uppercut to hit O.Dic on the air, and 2) O.Dic can make Tiger Uppercut whiff by pressing Fierce very late. Dictator: should be safe... but remember he can always go for a immediate jump for an air reset or even sac throw you.
Fast knockdown animation:
- Behavior nerf: proper (i.e. smaller) pushboxes.
REASON: now it fits the sprites better, although it's only a single frame that was off. The only meaningful difference is that O.Blanka's Horizontal Roll can cross over more easily. Otherwise, this change has very few impacts, i am doing this just for the sake of consistency and perfectionism.
Crouching Jab:
+ Recovery buff: 2f faster.
REASON: so he can link it into Crouching Short easily to cancel that into specials for block strings/combos. The idea is for O.Dictator to use crouching Jabs in combos/block strings so he resembles CPS1 Dictator.
+ Priority buff: expanded 8px downwards.
REASON: needed for his strings to work vs a standing Chun. Linking a Crouching Short kick after 2 Crouching Jabs is still almost impossible on her though... but at least you can use these 2 jabs for spacing.
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4/4/2 |
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ST | NL |
Standing Strong/Fierce:
o Cosmetic fix: 1st startup frame palette fix.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
Crouching Strong/Fierce:
o Cosmetic fix: 1st and 2nd startup frames palette fix.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
Close Standing Strong:
- Behavior/hit amount nerf: removed the 1st active part, to be like it was on CPS1.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
+ Recovery buff: 3f faster, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This is now an extremely good move to be used in combos.
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ST | NL |
2/4/4/8 |
6/4/5 |
Far Standing Strong:
+ Recovery buff: 3f faster, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This is now an extremely good move to be used in combos.
6/4/8 |
6/4/5 |
Crouching Strong:
+ Recovery buff: 3f faster, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This is now an extremely good move to be used in combos.
4/4/8 |
4/4/5 |
Close Standing Fierce:
+ Framedata buff: startup 4f faster, active longer by +2f, recovery 9f faster.
REASON: for it to be like the Far version (read about it below).
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 12px forward, like in CPS1.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
8/6/19 |
6/8/10 |
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ST | NL |
Far Standing Fierce:
+ Framedata buff: startup 4f faster, active longer by +2f, recovery 9f faster.
REASON: O.Dictator had no decent move to face E.Honda. Instead of giving him a better Jab like on N.Dictator, I decided to go on a different route, for the sake of uniqueness: O.Dictator Standing Fierce can now be used like Fei's Far Standing Fierce to counter E.Honda's stuff. The priority it had on CPS1 was already appropriate for this, all it needed was appropriate speed.
- Behavior nerf: Is the same as the Close version, like in CPS1 (not an anti air anymore).
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. O.Dictator can anti-air with his awesome CPS1 Crouching Fierce instead.
8/6/19 |
6/8/10 |
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ST | NL |
Crouching Fierce:
+ Priority buff: hitbox is moved 3px upwards, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This is his main anti air normal now.
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Short:
-- Framedata nerf: startup 2f slower, stays active for 2f more, like in HF.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This removes the classic Dictator TODs from O.Dictator.
2/2/1 |
4/4/1 |
Far Standing Short:
- Recovery nerf: 2f slower, like in HF.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
4/4/3 |
4/4/5 |
Crouching Short:
+ Startup buff: 1f faster.
REASON: so O.Dictator can special cancel it. This (alongside the hitbox change below) allows him to use it on block strings that end into specials.
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 13px forward (hitbox copied from Crouching Forward).
REASON: otherwise the change above wouldn't work properly (better on block strings).
4/4/5 |
3/4/5 |
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Forward:
+ Priority buff: leg hurtbox reduced 31px forward, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
+ Framedata buff: startup 2f faster, 1f faster active, 1f faster recovery, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
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ST | NL |
Far Standing Forward:
+ Priority buff: leg hurtbox reduced 31px forward, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
- Priority nerf: reduced 24px forward but increased 8px upwards, hitbox is now a blend of CE and HF hitboxes.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. CE's had fair horizontal range but didn't hit Blanka and Cammy if they were crouching as well as having to be very close to hit a crouching Zangief, and all that was very bad on these specific match-ups. HF's can hit all crouchers but had like no horizontal range. Now it's a best of both worlds (the hitbox on SSF2 is still better though).
+ Framedata buff: startup 2f faster, 1f faster active, 1f faster recovery, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This compensates the worse hitbox it has (compared to N.Dictator) - its speed is formidable.
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ST | NL |
Crouching Forward:
++ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 10px forward, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. This is very good not only in neutral but also as an anti-air.
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Roundhouse:
o Framedata tweak: startup 1f faster startup but recovery 3f slower, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
6/6/18 |
5/6/21 |
Far Standing Roundhouse:
+ Priority tweak: hitbox expanded 5px upwards but reduced 1px downwards, so it's almost like in CE (only difference is that it hits 2px lower than it).
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense. The one on HF is bad. The additional 2px of downwards rage is for it to reach a crouching Cammy, otherwise the move would be very bad on that match-up.
+ Priority buff: leg hurtbox reduced 26px forward, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
o Framedata tweak: startup 1f faster startup but recovery 3f slower, like in CE.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
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ST | NL | CE |
6/6/18 |
5/6/21 |
Crouching Roundhouse:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 10px backwards.
REASON: this is a needed improvement for the slide under trick from mid screen (due to the Throw recovery buff O.Dic received). Now, certain characters can not opt to land standing to make it whiff (Chun, Fei). It will also make it work every time on Dhalsim. Note that other than just blocking correctly, everyone can simply go for a Reversal as well.
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ST | NL |
Diagonal Jumping Forward:
- Startup nerf: 2f slower.
REASON: O.Dictator deserves the priority of this move vs Blanka, but he shouldn't have an overhead, he couldn't do that on CPS1.
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3/20/∞ |
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5/20/∞ |
All Specials:
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
Psycho Crusher:
+ Startup buff: Jab and Strong versions as fast as Fierce, like in HF.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
+ Behavior buff: does more chip hits, somewhat like how it was in CE.
REASON: I think this is OK to replicate. But this won't be exactly like in CE simply because the Fierce version hitbox doesn't extend to his feet like in CPS1. With the Jab version the maximum chip hits were increased from 2 to 3 (was 3 in CE), Strong from 2 to 3 (was 3 in CE) and Fierce from 3 to 4~5 (this depends a lot on how thin the opponent's hurtboxes are - in CE you often could get 6 chip hits, but that's because in CE his legs can hit too - I only replicated that for the Jab version to avoid the cross-up Crushers which were annoying and unbalanced). By the way another impact from this change is that now all chip hits are always a block string, unlike in ST that the opponent could reversal between blocked hits.
+ Priority buff: flying part hurtbox reduced 6px forward but expanded 2px backwards and 2px downwards, like in HF.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
+ Priority buff: Jab version hitbox expanded 6px forward and 68px backwards (!), like in HF.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
+ Priority buff: Strong version hitbox expanded 6px forward and 34px backwards, so the backwards priority is in between HF and ST.
REASON: It can now be used as a cross up just like on CPS1 games, but since strong versions lands close to the opponent, it's unsafe on block.
+ Priority buff: Fierce version hitbox expanded 6px forward, so it has HF priority at the front.
REASON: He can have the better priority, but the looping ability from CPS1 is really dumb so he won't get that.

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ST | NL |
Scissor Kick:
++ Behavior buff: airborne from the 1st startup frame, like in HF (can "escape" throws).
REASON: I know this could be too good vs Zangief, which is why the charge time was also nerfed greatly.
-- Behavior nerf: charge time now 30f longer (now it's 108f, like in HF).
REASON: the main reason for this is to remove his infinites, now that he has the no-KD Scissors from CPS1. This also doubles as balance to the new instantly airborne startup (can be used to escape N.Zangief SPD ticks, or to avoid Oicho ticks(as a reversal before the normal move, like DeeJay do when trapped)) as well as the fact that it now has very good frame advantage on hit AND on block.
+ Startup buff: from 3/5|3/5|3/5 to 2/4|3/4|4/4 (Short|Forward|Rh), like in HF.
REASON: Just giving things to O.Dictator from CPS1, when it makes sense.
+ Recovery buff: 4f faster (same recovery from CE, but in CE the hit-stuns are 1f longer so in terms of frame advantage this is not as good as in CE by 1f).
REASON: To compensate for the loss of KD and to make it behave like CPS1 Dictator. While the buffed recovery may sound like it's too good, I believe it's not because it can't knockdown anymore, the charge requirement will be increased and he won't have his infinites anymore.
-- Behavior nerf: 2nd hit don't knockdown grounded opponents anymore.
REASON: To compensate the better recovery as well as make it be like CPS1 Dictator.
+ Behavior buff: Short version push-back on hit during the 1st part slightly reduced.
REASON: Since now this move doesn't KD on hit anymore, it was too unsafe to use Forward and Rh versions, O.Dictator was somewhat forced to stick with Short version for the most part, unless if out of its range. But since the Short version's 2nd hit will usually whiffs when the move is performed from its max range, it was kinda tricky. This is a hurdle that O.Dictator doesn't need to care about anymore (with this change), unlike N.Dictator, that still have to consider that (so, nothing changed for N.Dic). O.Dictator Scissors are now used like Cammy's drills: just use the weakest version that is still in range, so it's safer.
+ Damage buff: from 22+12|24+12|26+12 to 12+22|14+22|16+22 (Short|Forward|Rh).
REASON: Now the 2nd hit is the more damaging. I think this change makes sense for O.Dictator now that Scissors don't knockdown, the way to use them is very different: you can't rely too much on it hitting twice, you now have to make the 2nd hit land and then link a normal instead. Also, the 2nd damage value is now the same as in CE, which also is nice. In case you're wondering, on HF it's 24+16/26+16/28+16 and on CE it's 30+22/32+22/34+22.
- Dizzy nerf: 1st hit reduced from 9~15 to 5~11.
REASON: A simple 3 hit combo like Short Scissor linked into Standing Rh was enough to dizzy some weaker characters, and this is too much. Now that this move is a "combo" start move, it should have less dizzy to be balanced.

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ST | NL |
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22+12|24+12|26+12 ➔ 12+22|14+22|16+22 | 9~15 ➔ 5~15 |
Head Stomp:
+ Priority buff: Forward version hitbox moved 8px downwards (in between Short and Rh).
REASON: Now there's a reason to use the Forward version. Also it 'blends' better between versions.

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Devil Reverse:
+ Bug fix/behavior buff: usable as Reversal.
REASON: Bug fixing. When this move was used as a reversal, the last special used came out instead. So IT WAS possible to use it as a reversal, but only if was the last used special, which wouldn't happen very often. Now this is fixed.
+ Startup buff: from 6|6|6 to 6|4|2 (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: just making the Strong and Fierce versions a little better, since with now the buffs the Jab would be better most of the time. Fierce will allow to escape projectile traps, but only if the projectile was not meaty timed. And that's OK since that move will be easy to punish. But then Dictator is out of the corner...
++ Recovery buff: 4|1|2 frames faster (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: It had okay recovery when a short opponent blocked it, but against tall characters like Hawk or Sagat it was too unsafe. Now it has OK recovery against tall characters and has nice recovery against Short ones, so it can pretty much be used like E.Honda's ButtSlam when blocked.

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