- GOUKI - |
Gouki on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
Close Standing Roundhouse (-/+/-/-) Neutral Jumping Roundhouse (-/-) Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse (-/-) Hadouken/Shakunetsu Hadouken (-/o) Shakunetsu Hadouken (-/+/+/+/+) GOAL OF THE CHANGESTo make him a fair (i.e. balanced) 33th character, that means nerfs... nerfs everywhere. The abusive stuff will be nerfed and then Akuma will be very similar to N.Ryu, with basically only having different (better?) special moves but will take more damage to compensate. |
ColorsNew Legacy colors
Original colors*
*Original Alternative color (10) changed. |
Jump behaviour:- Framedata nerf: pre-jump animation 1f slower. REASON: so he's like the other New Shotos. - Priority/Behavior nerf: pre-jump animation on back jump now uses the proper body hurtbox. REASON: can't evade meaty Low Tigers on wake up by back jumping anymore. It wasn't broken or anything, but it looked silly. Such a thing has no place on NL. Akuma can still evade meaty Low Tigers with Tatsu and Shoryus, so he's fine. |
Dizzy:-- Behavior nerf: can now be dizzied. REASON: needed for him to be balanced. o Cosmetic tweak: Akuma's dizzy animation doesn't use Ryu's sprites anymore (THANKS CAPCOM!). REASON: Obvious change, since it looks silly. The proper sprites doesn't exist on the rom, so I am using standing reel sprites... |
Damage scaling factor:-- Damage scaling factor nerf: from 27/32 to 28/32 (i.e. Akuma will take more damage). REASON: Akuma is like a Ryu without Super but new special moves so he will have a better special move arsenal which more than makes up for the lack of super. This is another compensation for all of that. For instance, Zangief's Fierce SPD now does around the same damage as Hawk's Fierce Typhoons when facing Akuma. Also, 3 Fierce Oichos are enough to kill. |
K.O. sound:
o Bug fix/Cosmetic tweak: K.O. sound now is the same as Boxer's, like in HSF2. REASON: the main reason for this change is that there's now less overlap in death sounds (otherwise there would be 3 characters sharing the same sound), plus this official since in HSF2 it's like that. During the debugging process thought i found out that even in ST they wanted to do this since on the 17th position of the k.o. sound table there's a duplicate sound address from Boxer, they just forgot to set up the character Id properly (Akuma often shares the Ryu ID, but on some occasions it uses Id 17, or 0x10, but this has to be set "manually" per case). |
Fast knockdown animation:
- Behavior nerf: proper (i.e. smaller) pushboxes. REASON: now it fits the sprites better. The main effects of it are: Shotos can crossover with tatsus and O.Blanka with Horizontal Rolls (like they already could on full knockdowns). Also, if there's no change of sides, Dictator can now corner pass with a Scissor from a slide knockdown, like he already could from a full knockdown. |
Far Standing Jab:
- Priority nerf: hitbox dimensions like New Shotos. REASON: the priority was so insane that it was better than Old Shotos... |
Close Standing Strong:
+ Priority tweak: hitbox moved 4px downwards. REASON: so it can hit a crouching Cammy. Cammy is not an "unfinished" character anymore so this is fair. This is done mainly thinking of N.Ken, but N.Ryu and Akuma will receive it too even though they still got CPS1 Close Standing Forward which could be used for this purpose. Yeah, this does makes the move a worse anti air, but who uses it like that? Maybe as an "option select" with his throw, but still Fierce is better for that. - Recovery nerf: 1f slower, like the other Shotos. REASON: he is a new Shoto after all... |
Close Standing Fierce:
- Priority nerf: 2nd active part hitbox now somewhat in between ST's N.Ryu and ST's N.Ken. REASON: This can be seen as unnecessary but that hitbox had CPS1 style dimensions, it simply looked like it was too much. |
Crouching Short:
- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox like New Shotos. REASON: he is a new Shoto after all... |
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Forward:
o Cosmetic fix: last frame now uses the correct sprite.
REASON: This obviously doesn't affect the game play, it's just a fix for a CAPCOM's mistake.
Far Standing Forward:
o Cosmetic fix: last frame now uses the correct sprite.
REASON: This obviously doesn't affect the game play, it's just a fix for a CAPCOM's mistake.
- Priority nerf: hitbox like New Shotos.
REASON: It was too good...
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ST | NL |
Crouching Forward:
- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox during the active part like New Shotos.
REASON: previously he had the same priority as New Shotos had in ST (nerfed during startup, active and recovery), but since he is deserving of some kind of buff for his general game (he previously received a lot of nerfs), I decided to make his low kicks be how N.Ken's are in NL (i.e. keep the hurtbox nerf from ST regarding the active frames, but undo the other hurtbox nerfs). This should improve his footsies a little bit and will make him feel a little less nerfed from how he was originally in a healthy way.
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Rh:
- Startup nerf: 2f slower, like on other Shotos.
REASON: no reason for Akuma to have this better.
+ Framedata buff: 1st active part is now 2f faster.
REASON: So it can combo better. It used to whiff vs other Shotos, even when point blank. It still whiffs vs Blanka, but on this case the real problem is on Blanka's reel animation, not on Ryu's kick, so I won't do anything about it.
- Priority nerf/fix: 1st active part uses the right head hurtbox, like the other Shotos.
REASON: this was probably a bug.
- Priority nerf: 2nd active part hitbox now has same dimensions as the other Shotos.
REASON: no reason for it to be better than Ryu's...
5/8/4/11 |
7/6/4/11 |
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ST | NL |
Far Standing Rh:
- Startup nerf: 1st active part stays active for +2f, like the other Shotos.
REASON: no reason for Akuma to have this better.
- Priority nerf: head hurtboxes like other Shotos.
REASON: Akuma's version was too good.
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2/4/8/17 |
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ST | NL |
Crouching Rh:
- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox during the active part like New Shotos.
REASON: previously he had the same priority as New Shotos had in ST (nerfed during active and recovery), but since he is deserving of some kind of buff for his general game (he previously received a lot of nerfs), I decided to make his low kicks be how N.Ken's are in NL (i.e. keep the hurtbox nerf from ST regarding the active frames, but undo the other hurtbox nerfs). This should improve his footsies a little bit and will make him feel a little less nerfed from how he was originally in a healthy way.
+ Priority buff: head hurtbox during the recovery frames moved 8px backwards.
REASON: So it's a little safer from Zangief's Standing Forward when whiffed vs a Lariat. The move is still pretty much vulnerable though because of the long recovery, but at least Zangief can't default to Standing Forward, which often happens.
- Damage nerf: from 30 to 26, like on New Shotos.
REASON: Akuma is also a new Shoto, so I want to keep things consistent. Plus it did too much damage so he deserved to have it nerfed.
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30 ➔ 26 |
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ST | NL |
Diagonal Jumping Strong:
o Cosmetic fix: strong attack sound on hit instead of fierce.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
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H ➔ M |
Neutral Jumping Fierce:
o Cosmetic fix: fierce attack sound on hit instead of strong.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
- Damage nerf: from 28 to 26, like on New Shotos.
REASON: it did too much damage.
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M ➔ H | 28 ➔ 26 |
Diagonal Jumping Fierce:
- Damage nerf: from 28 to 26, like on New Shotos.
REASON: it did too much damage.
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28 ➔ 26 |
Diagonal Jumping Forward:
- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox like N.Ryu.
REASON: There's no reason for Akuma have O.Shoto like priority on this.
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ST | NL |
Neutral Jumping Roundhouse:
- Damage nerf: from 30/30 to 28/26, like on New Shotos.
REASON: it did too much damage.
- Priority nerf: same as New Shotos.
REASON: it was a little too good as anti air.
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ST | NL |
Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse:
- Priority nerf: same as N.Ryu.
REASON: Theres no reason for Akuma to have O.Shoto priority on this move.
- Damage nerf: from 30 to 26, like on New Shotos.
REASON: it did too much damage.
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ST | NL |
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30 ➔ 26 |
All Specials:
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
o Behavior tweak: 1st input's timer now stays at the maximum value while the 1st input is being hold.
REASON: I am doing this to all non charge special moves. This fixes a problem that affected even the best players on the world regarding walk in DPs: depending on the timing you go for downward (2nd required input for a DP), a walk-in DP would always fail. Lemme explain: on the 1st frame that you input towards (1st required input for a DP), the input COUNTER will be updated and the input TIMER will receive a value that will be decremented on each frame (this is the input timer, this was semi-random on unmodified ST, but is now a fixed value on my hack), meaning you have up to 6 frames to input downwards (2nd required input for a DP). If you input downwards before that timer reaches 0, the counter will be updated again, the timer will also receive a new value again and will then wait for the 3rd input direction required (down-forward). But there's a problem: if you spent all these 6 frames walking forward and then input downward on the 7th frame, the input window will not be increased because at that moment the DP input counter would be back to 0 and is now expecting the 1st input direction again. If you do it on 8th frame it will work though. And that's only considering a frame perfect scenario, a human player will spend more than 1 frame to go from forward to down so there are more than enough chances of missing. So that means that walk in DPs will fail around 10%~20% of the time, not even the Grand Masters can avoid this fact. With my change, this problem is solved: it's now possible to be 100% consistent with walk-in DPs. I also applied this same change to all non charge special moves as well, since there isn't really a reason to not do it. Normal anti-air (stationary) DPs are not any easier though.
Hadouken/Shakunetsu Hadouken:
- Bug fix: recovery amount is now set properly (value was being set based on the strength of the last normal used, instead of the button used for the special move).
REASON: Bug fixing. This also gets rid of his infinite Red Hadouken block string on the corner.
o Behavior tweak: Akuma's Hadoukens don't downgrade in strength anymore after a certain distance.
REASON: On ST, Ryu's Hadoukens downgrade in version after some time of flight (look at the sprite, you can see that it changes! The hitbox and damage changes too, but the speed is kept intact; read the wiki) and then end up dissipating themselves, somewhat like Chun's Kikoukens. Akuma's Hadoukens also have that downgrade effect, but unlike Ryu's, his Hadoukens never dissipates on the air. With this change, Akuma's Hadoukens don't downgrade in version anymore. I know this sounds like a buff, and for the Blue Hadoukens this is indeed a buff, but this is also a needed nerf for the Red Hadoukens: a downgraded Red Hadouken would use the downgrade base damage, but the max number of hits wouldn't change. For example, on unmodified ST, on a mirror match, throw a Strong Red Hadouken from full screen range, once it hits the opponent, it will do 7+18 points of damage instead of doing 7+7, because when the 2nd hit hits, the Hadoukens then downgrades version so it does Jab version damage for the 2nd hit, which ends up doing too much! This happens with the Fierce version too, but in ST this is not a problem because the base damage on Strong and Fierce are mostly the same (this will be changed on my hack, so that would also be a problem if I didn't fixed this).
Hadouken/Air Hadouken:
o Cosmetic tweak: Akuma's blue projectiles are now purple.
REASON: looks cooler this way. The palette was taken from Alpha 3.
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ST | NL |
- Startup nerf: 1f slower.
REASON: so now it has the same startup speed as N.Ryu's Blue Hadoukens. He having O.Ryu Startup on his normal hadous proved to be too good, specially when combined with the Red Hadous mix-ups when the opponent is cornered. considering the plethora of options Akuma still have, this shouldn't make Akuma that worse.
- Recovery nerf: from 41|42|43 to 42|43|44 (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: another compensation for his overall superior special move set, when compared to Ryu's. Now N.Ryu has the best Hadou among the new shotos, then comes Akuma, then comes Ken.
- Behavior nerf: Fierce version doesn't knockdown grounded opponents anymore.
REASON: so it's like Jab and Strong Hadoukens. It was too good as a zoning tool.
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11/43 |
10/43 |
11/44 |
Shakunetsu Hadouken:
- Behavior nerf: Strong/Fierce versions can now be negated by Zangief's Green Hand and Honda's Super.
REASON: Dunno if that was a bug or not but either way it was very strange and also unbalanced. It's not fair for Akuma to have that so something had to be done.
+ Behavior buff: Jab version now knocks down properly.
REASON: There was no reason to use the Jab Red Hadouken: it did less hit-stun than normal and had no advantages over the Jab Blue hadou. Now it does the fiery knockdown effect just like the Strong and Fierce versions.
+ Damage/dizzy buff: Jab version damage increased from 18(2) to 24(2), dizzy increased from 5~11 to 9~15.
REASON: so now the Jab Red Hadouken now does the highest single hit damage as well as dizzy of all of the 6 ground Hadouken variants (same amount as high tigers and yoga fires). Hopefully this now will be usable? Now, a simple 3 hit air combo with it can dizzy if you use the right normals (Jumping Forward kick into Strong xx Hadouken), although it will not always dizzy. It also does more damage than the Fierce Blue Hadouken, just so it's another selling point on it.
+ Damage/dizzy buff: Strong version damage increased from 7(7)+7(7) to 12(7)+12(7), dizzy increased from 0~4+0~4 to 1~7+1~7.
REASON: so Strong do at least the same damage as the Jab version. This has the advantage of doing roe chip damage over the Jab version, and over the Fierce version this will do more dizzy as well as have better recovery.
+ Damage/dizzy buff, random damage nerf: Fierce version damage increased from 7(8)+7(8)+7(8) to 8(7)+8(7)+8(7), dizzy increased from 0~4+0~4+0~4 to 0~5+0~5+0~5.
REASON: so Fierce now do at least the same damage as the Jab version. It's a small increase but I think this is a fair balance for the move, considering it's startup and recovery. The dizzy was buffed a little but it still does very low dizzy, so it does the least dizzy of all 3 versions. The main advantage of the Fierce version is of course the highest chip damage. By the way, the random damage had to be reduced, otherwise it could (randomly) do around Typhoon damage on hit, and that was crazy.
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18(2) ➔ 24(2) | 5~11 ➔ 9~15 |
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7(7)+7(7) ➔ 12(7)+12(7) | 0~4+0~4 ➔ 1~7+1~7 |
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7(8)+7(8)+7(8) ➔ 8(7)+8(7)+8(7) | 0~4+0~4+0~4 ➔ 0~5+0~5+0~5 |
Air Hadouken:
-- Behavior nerf: Akuma now does a little leap on the air when performing this move, like on HDR.
REASON: this was a good idea from HDR to make this move less abusable (more changes are needed to make it balanced though).
-- Behavior nerf: trip guard removed.
REASON: so now Akuma can't block "meaty" sweeps when landing on the ground after throwing an Air Hadouken, just like on normal jumps. This was one of the factors that made Akuma's Air Hadouken too strong IMO.
+ Behavior buff: minimal height removed so now it can be activated right after the pre-jump frames (like a juice kick, with a delayed Tiger Knee command).
REASON: I know buffing Akuma may not be the best idea but I think this was OKish on HDR. Considering all the additional nerfs this move is receiving on this hack, I doubt this will make it too strong.
- Behavior nerf: projectile trajectory changed: Jab version is very angled, Strong is in between Jab and Fierce, Fierce stays the same. All projectiles now have the same travel speed as the Strong version used to have.
REASON: this move required tons of changes to be made balanced. The Unaltered angle on Fierce will be balanced by making it dissipate sooner (e.g. like Chun's Kikouken - see the next change below). Jab has his angle inverted, so now Akuma shoots it very downwards (which is also a way to balance it). Finally, Strong has an intermediate angle between Jab and Fierce, and also dissipates before it reaches the ground (unless Akuma throws it low in the air) so it can't hit Zangief's Kick lariat leg hurtbox, or a sliding Dhalsim, for example. Also, every version has now the same travel speed as the Strong Air Hadouken used to have, this is for the Jab version to not give exaggerated frame advantage.
- Behavior nerf: projectile dissipates after some time (40f), like Chun's Kikouken.
REASON: it's a requirement for the very angled Fierce air projectile to be balanced.
- Priority/Behavior nerf: after throw animation now have Akuma with his arm extended for longer, leg hurtbox is then stretched below by 27px until the last part of the air recovery animation, leg hurtbox during the last recovery animation reduced by 4px.
REASON: there's 2 reasons for the animation change: first is that the animation looks more "fluid" now. Second, now there's more frames in which Akuma have a bigger head/arm hurtbox at his front, meaning it is a little more vulnerable to certain moves. As for the bigger leg hurtbox during the recovery frames, it guarantees that it can be countered by Flash Kicks, it also increases the odds of trading with Sagat's Tiger Uppercuts. Finally, as for the change on the very last recovery part, it sounds like a buff (and in some situations it will indeed function as one), but the intent here is for Akuma to only be hit by Zangief's Crouching Roundhouse and E.Honda's Command sweep when Akuma touches the ground so he can be knocked down properly. The change is very minimal so I don't think this will be of much benefit to Akuma overall. By the way in ST this only happens on backward jumps, but because of the added "leap" added when he throws the projectile, it can now happen on all 3 forms of jumps.
-- Behavior nerf: behaves like an air normal on hit/block (doesn't knockdown airborne opponents anymore, can't be blocked crouching but never hits low if standing, gives light hit-stun against standing opponents).
REASON: It behaving like an air normal is pretty much a requirement for a move that comes from the air (an air move hitting low was weird). Also, the property of giving lighter hit-stun against a standing opponent is useful so characters can choose to take the hit to get a faster recovery, just like it can be done with air normals. This is specifically very important to make the Air Hadouken balanced vs Sagat: if Sagat does a wakeup Tiger Uppercut that gets beat by the Air Hadouken, he then can do another Tiger Uppercut which will be able to hit Akuma before he recovers. The knockdown removal is done mainly because of the Honda match-up: now it's OK to try to punish Air Hadoukens with Fierce Headbutts, and if Honda is hit it will result in just an air reset instead of a full Knockdown. I understand that otherwise this is a big nerf considering all the other nerfs the move already received, but I'm sure the move will still be useful here and there. This was the most unbalanced move on Akuma so it's expected for it to receive big nerfs.
-- Behavior nerf: now behaves like a Medium move (gives medium block-stun instead of heavy block-stun).
REASON: So Akuma don't have exaggerated frame advantage when landing it on a forward jump.
+ Damage buff: increased from 8|8|8 to 15|17|18 (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: the most effective use of this move is being nerfed (the traps on the opponent's wakeup), so this needs something to keep it good. I think this change complements well the idea of making Akuma a glass cannon character.
+ Dizzy/dizzy timer buff: increased from 0~4 to 3~9, timer increased from 20 to 90.
REASON: now with the proper nerfs that his move received, there's no reason for it to do so little dizzy.

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ST | NL |
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8|8|8 ➔ 15|17|18 |
- Framedata nerf: rising part stays active for less frames now, from 14|22|26 to 12|14|18 (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: The durations are now in between O.Ryu/ST Akuma and N.Ryu. No reason for it to stay as active as O.Ryu. This was allowing Akuma to contest N.Ken's Shoryukens which I think is not balanced.
- Priority nerfs: Jab/Strong versions have the head vulnerable during the rising part, Fierce version have the head and body vulnerable.
REASON: So it has just the same priority as Ryu's in my rebalance (see N.Ryu's change on Strong Shoryuken).
- Behavior/damage/dizzy/hit amount tweaks: Jab version damage changed from 32(2)+12(2)+12(2) to 32(2)/22(2), dizzy altered from 2~8+2~8+2~8 to 9~15/2~8, dizzy timer altered from 90+90+90 to 100/90, loses the 1st active part as well as the juggle abilities, it's now a 1-hit move and has a 5f startup and 3f of hitting invulnerability.
REASON: All versions do the same damage which doesn't make much sense. This is part of my changes to differentiate them. Now the Jab version does only 1 hit, with N.Ryu damage on both parts. The Strong version will do 2 hits and Fierce will do 3. Also, Akuma's Shoryukens will have 1f longer startup and 1f less hitting invulnerability than Ryu; this is being done to at least not keep it straight superior to N.Ryu's. This means that Akuma is now slightly easier to safe jump(unless he uses Fierce DP). This fits his "glass cannon" theme: his Shoryukens can juggle for more consistent damage (well, Jab is an exception) but he has more trouble when being pressured (easier to be safe jumped, unless he uses Fierce DP).
- Damage/random damage/dizzy/hit amount tweaks: Strong version damage changed from 32(2)+12(2)+12(2) to 20(0)+14(0), dizzy reduced from 2~8+2~8+2~8 to 0~4+0~4, dizzy timer reduced from 90+90+90 to 60+60, loses the 1st active part; it's now a 2-hit move and has a 5f startup and 3f of hitting invulnerability, can still juggle.
REASON: Now that the first hit was removed, it simply couldn't do enough damage. Also, Akuma's Shoryukens will have 1f longer startup and 1f less hitting invulnerability than Ryu; this is being done to at least not keep it straight superior to N.Ryu's. This means that Akuma is now slightly easier to safe jump(unless he uses Fierce DP). This fits his "glass cannon" theme: his Shoryukens can juggle for more consistent damage (well, Jab is an exception) as well as the juggle combos in which this can be a combo ender, but he has more trouble when being pressured (easier to be safe jumped, unless he uses Fierce DP).
- Startup nerf: Fierce version now has 4f of startup, the 1st attacking frame stays active for only 1f, and the 2nd active part stays active for 3f (1f less).
REASON: so Akuma retains the same amount of invulnerable frames as N.Ryu. This will also startup as fast as Ryu's Shoryukens, unlike Jab and Strong that are 1f slower. I made it that way because, Akuma's Fierce Shoryu will be only one that will retain the hitting part on the 1st animation frame, like N.Ken, so I'm keeping that "theme" of it being a better anti-safe-jump move due to that (even though a 4f startup is still very safe jumpable).
- Damage/random damage/dizzy nerfs: Fierce version changed from 32(2)+12(2)+12(2) to 4(0)+20(0)+14(0), dizzy reduced from 2~8+2~8+2~8 to 0~4+0~4+0~4, dizzy timer reduced from from 90+90+90 to 60+60+60.
REASON: It did too much damage. Now the 3 hits do less damage in total, but do more damage than the rebalanced Strong version.
+ Bug/hit amount fix: Fierce version 3rd active part now combos properly if the 2nd part whiffed.
REASON: just bug fixing. Now a deep anti air will basically always do at least 2 hits. Before, if it was a very deep hit it would only have the 1st part to hit, the 2nd would miss due to hitbox positioning and the 3rd would also whiff due to the bug.
+ Priority buff: Strong version 1st active part hitbox expanded 4px downwards.
REASON: can now reach Claw's legs during his slide. So now you actually have a good response on the ground in case Claw is too obvious with his slide patterns. Yeah, it's OK for Akuma to get this too, he's not even close to being as oppressive as his former self. IMPACTS: will be able to hit Cammy's legs during her Crouching Forward. Maybe it could be argued that Akuma shouldn't have this vs Cammy, but she received so many improvements that I really think this is OK. Only the Strong Shoryuken will receive this anyway, so it's a high risk low reward option still, and IMO is not really usable vs Cammy since she would have to be closer than she really will when poking with her kick for it to even hit her.
+ Priority buff: Fierce version 1st active part hitbox moved 2px forward.
REASON: so it can hit a standing Chun from point blank, just like N.Ken's Fierce Shoryuken.
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5/3/12/∞ |
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1/3/4/22/∞ |
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1/4/4/26/∞ |
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4/1/3/18/∞ |
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32(2)+12(2)+12(2) ➔ 32(2)/22(2) |
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2~8+2~8+2~8(90+90+90) ➔ 9~15/2~8(100/90) |
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32(2)+12(2)+12(2) ➔ 20(0)+14(0) |
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2~8+2~8+2~8(90+90+90) ➔ 0~4+0~4(60+60) |
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32(2)+12(2)+12(2) ➔ 4(0)+20(0)+14(0) |
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2~8+2~8+2~8(90+90+90) ➔ 0~4+0~4+0~4(60+60+60) |
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ST | NL | NL | NL |
The symbols "=" and "≠" reffers here to ST column.
- Priority nerf: Short version has only 4f of startup invulnerability, Forward and Rh versions don't have startup invulnerability anymore.
REASON: needed to keep them balanced, since they hit on the way up. Short version doesn't so it's OK for that to still be invincible, Akuma needs it versus Guile and Dhalsim to deal with their projectiles. The Forward and Rh versions are using the NL Ken improved hurtboxes on startup, meaning he can still evade meaty Low Tiger Shots with them.
+ Damage buff: Short version damage increased from 12 to 24.
REASON: the Short version can't juggle so there was no reason for the damage on it to be so low. Now it does the same damage as N.Ryu's Short Tatsu. N.Ryu's Short Tatsu is still better by the way, since Akuma's doesn't has startup invulnerability.
- Tatsumaki Random damage nerf: Forward and Roundhouse versions changed from 12(1) to 12(0).
REASON: just decreasing a little the damage on juggle combos.
- Dizzy/dizzy timer nerf: reduced from 3~9 to 0~4, timer reduced from 90 to 60.
REASON: it was giving too many dizzies in combos for Akuma.
o Cosmetic tweak: last startup animation now uses the unused startup sprite.
REASON: Just for the sake of using something that was unused. This obviously has no impact balance wise.
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ST | NL |
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ST | NL |
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12 ➔ 24 |
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12(1) ➔ 12(0) |
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3~9(90) ➔ 0~4(60) |
Air Tatsumakis:
- Behavior fix: remove the unblockable bug.
REASON: it made no sense and was unfair.
- Priority nerf: hitboxes like N.Ryu.
REASON: Making it a little worse, to be on par with the other Shotos.
- Dizzy/dizzy timer nerf: reduced from 3~9 to 0~4, timer reduced from 90 to 60.
REASON: it was giving too many dizzies in combos for Akuma.

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ST | NL |
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3~9(90) ➔ 0~4(60) |
+ Behavior buff: airborne from the 1st startup frame.
REASON: because of the head hurtbox nerf (see below) he was ground throwable for a single frame, because the move was programmed to only put Akuma in an airborne state after he started moving horizontally, and he having a hurtbox means that he also need to have a throwbox (the game is programmed this way).
- Priority nerf: head is vulnerable during the "moving" part (and air throwable as well).
REASON: Somewhat like in HDR. The move was too good to get away from pressure. Now every character has at least one ground normal that can beat it. Akuma can still pass through most projectiles, High Tiger being a notable exception though. He can also pass through some "rushing" moves like Blanka's Horizontal Roll, Dictator's Psycho Crusher or Boxer's Punch Rushes, but will not pass through Honda's Headbutt, Dictator's Scissor Kicks or Boxer's Kick Rushes.
+ Startup buff: 4f faster.
REASON: now that it's not fully invulnerable during the moving part anymore, it was hard to make it usable. I believe it had a slow startup because of the huge window of invulnerability it had, but this is not the case anymore so I believe it's fair to make it startup faster now that Akuma is vulnerable during the moving part of the move.
+ Recovery buff: 3f faster.
REASON: now that it's not fully invulnerable during the moving part anymore, it was hard to make it usable. I believe it had a slow recovery exactly because of the huge window of invulnerability it had, but this is not the case anymore so I believe it's fair to make it recover faster now that Akuma is vulnerable during the moving part of the move. With this (as well as the startup change above), this move is now an offensive move (instead of a defensive one, like it was on ST): the 3K version can be used in case you predict a whiffed move in neutral or a badly timed projectile to get close to the opponent and punish him for it (it must be by anticipation though, it wont be fast enough i done on reaction). Also, the 3P version can now be used for corner mix ups like Dictator can with Psycho Crusher/Scissors on the corner to change sides with the opponent (think of CVS2/A3).
+ Behavior buff: kick version travels 5f faster, distance traveled decreased by 7px.
REASON: I am making it faster so it's a little better as an offensive tool - the idea is to make Akuma stronger offensively so he be a better "glass cannon" type of character. The difference in distance traveled is because it's hard to tweak the speed while keeping the distance the same, this was the closest to the original distance I was able to make it while keeping the 5f faster travel (it's the same parameter that controls the overall speed and distance traveled - changing the distance is not done on purpose).


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ST | NL |
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14/52/9(P) - 14/37/9(K) |
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10/52/6(P) - 10/32/6(K) |