- O.T.HAWK - |
O.T.Hawk on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
GOAL OF THE CHANGESDon't change much, since he is already somewhat a solid mid tier. Just need to solve the few bad matches (which will mainly happen because of nerfs on the other characters). O.T.Hawk will mainly be for an alternative normal set (some of them are better in priority and/or in damage, but have in mind that N.T.Hawk received some very useful normal buffs that can help on the bad match-ups).. As for his special cancel window, on SSF2 and ST his special cancel window is 4f. O.T.Hawk has a special cancel window of 5f though, and this allows him to special cancel the following normals: Far Standing Short and Diagonal Jumping Short. As it can be seen, these are very meaningless differences. Theres no reason to alter this. |
ColorsNew Legacy colors
Original colors
Standing reel:+ Priority buff: proper head hurtboxes that now match the sprites. REASON: main reason for this change is so O.Ken's Horizontal air Tatsu can't hit with both front and back hits for a granted dizzy. Also, Hawk was one of the few characters that had static hurtboxes during the Standing reel animation that also didn't matched the sprites. Otherwise this has very little impact, specially in the case of ground combos, since his hurtboxes are very tall anyway. |
Standing gut reel:o Priority tweak: medium and heavy versions now have proper head hurtboxes that now match the sprites. REASON: Hawk was one of the few characters that had static hurtboxes during the Standing gut reel animation that also didn't matched the sprites. He did get one frame on the heavy version in which he is easier to reach at the front, but in practical terms this is not very meaningful. |
Crouching reel:o Priority tweak: medium and heavy versions now have proper head hurtboxes that now match the sprites. REASON: Hawk was one of the few characters that had static hurtboxes during the Crouching reel animation that also didn't matched the sprites. Basically, the new head hurtboxes are taller but also spaced some pixels back, which means that some moves that didn't had enough downwards reach to hit him will not whiff anymore, as long it's in a combo after a Medium or a Heavy normal (e.g. N.Boxer's Crouching Strong xx Straight Rush), but also means that some moves that used to hit T.Hawk around his head area may whiff if T.Hawk is in Medium or Heavy hitstun (couldn't find examples). |
Juggle state
- Priority nerf: Juggle hurtbox expanded 16px downwards. REASON: T.Hawk had by far the weirdest juggle hurtbox in the game. A few juggle setups worked well on most characters but not on him, and it became more of a problem with the Dictator and DeeJay Super changes (they now launch the opponent in the air 1 hit sooner - this is done to limit to only 1 extra hit after super, to make their damages more consistent) so now with this change T.Hawk's juggle hurtbox is "normalized". |
Throws:+ Strong Throw Damage buff: Throw damage increased from 32 to 34 (if behind in rounds, increased from 34 to 36). REASON: I'm buffing the damage of all ground throws (but not holds) of old characters so they get a small compensation for not being able to tech throws. That means that the base throw damage is 34 points now, like Dhalsim's Fierce throw in ST. Also, there will be rounds in which the behind in rounds damage will be 38 instead of 36 and thats just how the game is coded to be, the same happened with Dhalsim's Fierce throw in ST. |
Passive grab animations:- Behavior nerf: last Typhoon animation vs Chun Li tweaked so now she bounces a little farther when not cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. + Behavior buff: last Typhoon animation vs Blanka tweaked so now he bounces a little closer when not cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. ++ Behavior buff: last Typhoon animation vs Sagat tweaked so now he bounces considerably closer. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. -- Behavior nerf: last Typhoon animation vs Dictator tweaked so now he bounces farther when not cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. + Behavior buff: last Typhoon animation vs Claw tweaked so now he bounces a little closer when not cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. - Behavior nerf: last Typhoon animation vs Boxer tweaked so now he bounces a little farther when not cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. + Behavior buff: last Typhoon animation vs Cammy tweaked so now she bounces a little closer when not cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. + Behavior buff: last Typhoon animation vs Fei long tweaked so now he bounces properly when cornered. REASON: see the N.T.Hawk change on this, they are shared. |
Crouching Forward:
+ Priority buff: leg hurtbox reduced upwards by 2px. REASON: So now Fei can't beat it with his Crouching Strong and his tweaked Forward Flame Kick and O.Sagat can't beat it with his Fierce Tiger Uppercut (since the hitbox on it was nerfed to how it was on CE). |
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Neutral Jumping Short:
+ Priority buff: hitbox moved 9px downwards.
REASON: so it can now hit all crouchers. Just making it equal to the diagonal version.
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Diagonal Jumping Short:
+ Priority buff: hitbox moved 9px downwards.
REASON: so it can now hit all crouchers. Now O.T.Hawk has a light air move to use as safe jump against Cammy (she can just crouch his aerial jabs and shorts in ST).
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All Specials:
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
o Behavior tweak: 1st input's timer now stays at the maximum value while the 1st input is being hold.
REASON: I am doing this to all non charge special moves. This fixes a problem that affected even the best players on the world regarding walk in DPs: depending on the timing you go for downward (2nd required input for a DP), a walk-in DP would always fail. Lemme explain: on the 1st frame that you input towards (1st required input for a DP), the input COUNTER will be updated and the input TIMER will receive a value that will be decremented on each frame (this is the input timer, this was semi-random on unmodified ST, but is now a fixed value on my hack), meaning you have up to 6 frames to input downwards (2nd required input for a DP). If you input downwards before that timer reaches 0, the counter will be updated again, the timer will also receive a new value again and will then wait for the 3rd input direction required (down-forward). But there's a problem: if you spent all these 6 frames walking forward and then input downward on the 7th frame, the input window will not be increased because at that moment the DP input counter would be back to 0 and is now expecting the 1st input direction again. If you do it on 8th frame it will work though. And that's only considering a frame perfect scenario, a human player will spend more than 1 frame to go from forward to down so there are more than enough chances of missing. So that means that walk in DPs will fail around 10%~20% of the time, not even the Grand Masters can avoid this fact. With my change, this problem is solved: it's now possible to be 100% consistent with walk-in DPs. I also applied this same change to all non charge special moves as well, since there isn't really a reason to not do it. Normal anti-air (stationary) DPs are not any easier though.
Tomahawk Buster:
o Bug fix/Behavior tweak: fixed the reversal bug in which the button used didn't mattered, the last version used comes out all the time.
REASON: It can be seen as a Nerf: most of the time you need the Jab version to come up and you won't be able to triple tap anymore to get a reversal easier. On the other hand you can now beat a low meaty with the new Tomahawk busters even if Jab version was used last.
+ Damage buff: Strong version changed from 32/22 to 34/22.
REASON: so it blends between Jab (unmodified) and Fierce (tweaked, see below).
+ Damage/dizzy/hit amount tweak: Fierce version changed from 12+32 to 38/32 (is now a 1-hit move), 1st hit now does the same dizzy as on Jab/Strong Tomahawk Busters.
REASON: The Fierce version sometimes failed to combo for 2 hits. I could have fixed it the way I did for N.T.Hawk, but I find that uninteresting. I think it looks cooler for it to be a 1-hit move instead with it's damage being slightly buffed. This is a little more useful in general, but definitely worse as a combo ender, at least on the match-ups in which it used to connect for 2 hits.
+ Priority buff: 1st hit hitbox expanded 2px upwards.
REASON: so it can still beat Fei's Short Flame Kick now that it has been Buffed. IMPACTS: other than a slightly better anti air (which doesn't make much difference on most cases), this also can now beat Ryu's Tatsumakis right on the first frame in which they're not invulnerable anymore. IMO this is a fair change, should come up, basically, only if T.Hawk is doing installed Tomahawks on his safe jumps.
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32/22 ➔ 34/22 | 12+32 ➔ 38/32 | 2~8+9~15 ➔ 9~15/9~15 |
Condor Dive:
- Behavior nerf: doesn't knock down grounded opponents anymore, like in HDR.
REASON: O.T.Hawk will receive a dive similar to the dive he had in HDR. The main reason for this change is that NL O.T.Hawk needs some kind of distinction from N.T.Hawk. Even though this comes from HDR, I decided to give this the Old version of T.Hawk, not the New version, since the New version is supposed to be the version that resembles ST characters the most. Plus, a knockdown-less dive does resemble CPS1 in some ways, since a good amount of special moves didn't had the ability to knock down originally (e.g. CE/HF Dictator's Scissor Kicks, CE Sagat's Strong/Fierce Tiger Uppercuts, HF E.Honda's Butt Drop's rising part).
+ Behavior buff: knock back on hit/block greatly reduced, like in HDR.
REASON: an indispensable complement to the change above.
+ Behavior buff: can now be performed on the downwards part of a jump.
REASON: mainly to make his aerial cancels more useful. This is something that I always wanted to try, and now that his Dive doesn't knock down anymore, this change is perfect. Sure, this can be used to save T.Hawk from a bad jump (specially if the opponent defaults to anti airing with a sweep), but this doesn't lead to a Sako anyway so it's not very strong.
+ Startup buff: 6f faster.
REASON: so an air canceled normal into Condor Dive will be a 2 hit combo, if done from close enough. This is not very strong and is a nice distinction from New T.Hawk. I think this works really well.
- Behavior nerf: movement speed decreased by 20%.
REASON: just to compensate the buff in startup, so it's around the same against projectiles from mid to far screen. In truth, a nerf 25% would be closer, but then that is too slow for the cross-up dives to work vs Sagat.
+ Priority/Behavior buff: hitbox expanded 24px backwards and 8px towards, cross up hits will now pushback the opponent away from T.Hawk.
REASON: the backwards priority change is required for the change above to actually work (i.e. for it to cross up). The towards priority change is just for it to have a little more reach, so the 2-hit combo from an air canceled normal into Dive will be a little more forgiving, but of course this also makes it have a little better priority in general too. It's not a huge buff though, and the fact that this doesn't knock down means this better priority is not very impactful, so it's OK. Finally, this will also receive the same modification in behavior that Ken received on his tatsu on HF and on wards that made his eggbeater tatsu not possible anymore (i.e. move the opponent away from you in case it hits as a crossup), just so most opponents are too far away to counter grab T.Hawk so well timed cross up Dives are a new form of tick throwing with O.T.Hawk. This basically creates a new way to tick Sagat on his wake up, which T.Hawk lacked.
+ Behavior buff: pushbox during the active frames reduced 18px backwards.
REASON: so now O.T.Hawk can go for "cross up" dives on the opponent's wake up, though the effectiveness of it really depends on the opponent's waking up push and hurt boxes. If timed right, O.T.Hawk will land at around neutral in terms of frame advantage (between +0 and -4 usually), so this can be used as a new form of ticking into Typhoon! On v0.8 he had no pushbox during active frames, which was optimal for cross ups and allowed O.T.Hawk to go for them after every knockdown (i.e. he could loop it), regardless of where on the screen he was. But in truth this was simply too good on certain match-ups. With a smaller pushbox instead this is an universal set up ONLY if the opponent is near the corner but not touching it, assuming you get the momentum. The pushbox was optimized to still work the same against Sagat's wake up though, which is important since Hawk had no way to go for Typhoons on Sagat's wake-up. Perfect execution coupled with right guessing can allow Sagat to escape it, but it is a though situation to be in for sure.
+ Priority buff: 1st landing frame now uses proper hurtboxes.
REASON: standing jabs now can't keep him out in case he lands close but not point blank. His ST hurtboxes look kinda misplaced by the way.
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