- O.FEI LONG - |
O.Fei Long on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
GOAL OF THE CHANGESO.Fei will be a high damage character but with less tools than N.Fei, somewhat like how the N.Guile/O.Guile difference is now. His bigger special cancel window (which allows him to cancel Crouching Forward into Rekkas) is still there so he still has insane combos, his Jumping Rh is now a juggle move (this sounds crazy, but IMO it looks very cool in game) and his Forward/Rh Flame Kicks are now 1 hit moves that do High damage somewhat like O.Sagat's Fierce TU. He also retains his different air normal set which adds for variety. As for his special cancel window, on SSF2 and ST his special cancel window is 4f. But O.Fei on the other hand has a special cancel window of 5f and this is the main selling point of O.Fei, as this allows him to cancel Crouching Forward. It also allows him to cancel Far Strong, Crouching Strong, Far Fierce, Far Short, Crouching Short and Far Forward. There's no reason to change this. |
ColorsNew Legacy colors
Original colors
Throws:+ Damage buff: Throw damage increased from 32 to 34 (if behind in rounds, increased from 34 to 36). REASON: I'm buffing the damage of all ground throws (but not holds) of old characters so they get a small compensation for not being able to tech throws. That means that the base throw damage is 34 points now, like Dhalsim's Fierce throw in ST. Also, there will be rounds in which the behind in rounds damage will be 38 instead of 36 and thats just how the game is coded to be, the same happened with Dhalsim's Fierce throw in ST. |
Passive Grab Animations:++ Behavior buff: last kick throw animation vs Honda, Guile, Boxer and DeeJay tweaked so now the built-in safejump setup also work on these match-ups. REASON: there's a built-in safejump setup in ST that works like this: when the opponent techs the throw from mid screen, Fei can hold up-towards and that jump will be a safejump against Dhalsim, Claw and Sagat. Now, in NL this will also work on more match-ups (mainly disadvantageous match-ups). |
Head hurt-boxes (all):+ Priority buff: Like ST's N.Fei. REASON: A lot of normals that used to whiff vs N.Fei doesn't vs O.Fei in ST. O.Fei is already worse on general, so I think he shouldn't have that. |
Crouching head hurt-box:
+ Priority buff: moved 1px downwards. REASON: so now Boxer's Standing Fierce whiffs when Fei is crouching/crouch blocking. AFAIK this is one of the reasons why this match is hard. I tested all Standing and Crouching Normals from the game and the only unintended effect is that Claw's Standing Strong also whiffs now, which is OK since Claw is a hard match for Fei as well. Nerfing Boxer's Standing Fierce instead is NOT an alternative since Honda's Crouching head had the same height as Fei's, which would make Boxer's Fierce whiff against Honda, and this would be unfair for on that match-up. |
Knockdown animations:- Behavior nerf: proper (i.e. smaller) pushboxes. REASON: now it fits the sprites better. The main effects of it are: Shotos can crossover with tatsus more easily, the same goes for O.Blanka with Horizontal Rolls, and for Sagat with Tiger Knee. But, with all that said, the change on Fei is not as impactful as on other characters, i am doing this just for the sake of consistency. |
Crouching Jab:
+ Priority fix: last recovery part now uses the same hurtboxes as on the 1st recovery part. REASON: No reason for them to be like that. |
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Close Standing Short:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 8px forward.
REASON: so it will whiff less from point blank.
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Far Standing Forward:
+ Behavior fix: proper block-stun and dizzy of a medium strength normal.
REASON: Bug fixing.
Crouching Forward:
+ Priority fix: last recovery part now uses the same hurtboxes as on the 1st recovery part.
REASON: looks like a bug.
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Neutral Jumping Strong:
o Cosmetic tweak: active frame now uses the same sprite made for N.Fei's Neutral Jumping Fierce.
REASON: i see no reason to not give O.Fei this sprite. It makes all his neutral jumping punches look unique so it should be a harmless improvement.
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Diagonal Jumping Forward:
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 23px backwards.
REASON: Now can be used as a cross up, but the spacing is tough since the hitbox is placed higher than in N.Fei.
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Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse:
++ Behavior/Damage buff/hit amount tweak: damage changed from 30 to 12+12+12 (now a 3 hit JUGGLE move), dizzy changed from 3~9 to 0~4*3.
REASON: Just giving O.Fei something new. I have no idea if this ends being too good or not, needs further testing. But it sure does looks cool!
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30 ➔ 12+12+12 | 3~9 ➔ 0~4+0~4+0~4 |
Hop Kick:
o Behavior/Priority fix: Last recovery part now uses the right hurt/pushboxes.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
++ Behavior buff: is an overhead, like on N.Fei.
REASON: Just giving this move a use. Unlike N.Fei though, this will continue to be static (will not advance forward if done with → + Forward)
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All Specials:
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
o Behavior tweak: 1st input's timer now stays at the maximum value while the 1st input is being hold.
REASON: I am doing this to all non charge special moves. This fixes a problem that affected even the best players on the world regarding walk in DPs: depending on the timing you go for downward (2nd required input for a DP), a walk-in DP would always fail. Lemme explain: on the 1st frame that you input towards (1st required input for a DP), the input COUNTER will be updated and the input TIMER will receive a value that will be decremented on each frame (this is the input timer, this was semi-random on unmodified ST, but is now a fixed value on my hack), meaning you have up to 6 frames to input downwards (2nd required input for a DP). If you input downwards before that timer reaches 0, the counter will be updated again, the timer will also receive a new value again and will then wait for the 3rd input direction required (down-forward). But there's a problem: if you spent all these 6 frames walking forward and then input downward on the 7th frame, the input window will not be increased because at that moment the DP input counter would be back to 0 and is now expecting the 1st input direction again. If you do it on 8th frame it will work though. And that's only considering a frame perfect scenario, a human player will spend more than 1 frame to go from forward to down so there are more than enough chances of missing. So that means that walk in DPs will fail around 10%~20% of the time, not even the Grand Masters can avoid this fact. With my change, this problem is solved: it's now possible to be 100% consistent with walk-in DPs. I also applied this same change to all non charge special moves as well, since there isn't really a reason to not do it. Normal anti-air (stationary) DPs are not any easier though.
Rekka Ken:
+ Priority fix/buff: recovery on 1st hit now uses normal hurtboxes, like N.Fei.
REASON: It could be seen as a compensation for O.Fei better recovery, but I still think it's not justifiable.
+ Behavior fix: Jab version's 1st and 2nd punches now do high hit-stun like the other Rekka Punches.
REASON: I believe this is a bug. It was impossible to combo with 3 Jab Rekkas because the first 2 punches did mediocre hit-stun.
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Flame Kick:
+ Behavior/Damage/Dizzy/Hit amount buff: Forward and Rh versions are now both a 1-hit move, with the Rh version's first active part doing the same damage as the O.Sagat's Fierce Tiger Uppercut first active part, and Forward being in between (by using a less-random random damage table, since there is no damage value in between to use). Also, the spinning flame part of Forward version now do 2 more points of damage than Short version, and Rh does 4 points more than Short. The stun (dizzy) are also tweaked to be like the Short version.
REASON: Just giving something cool for O.Fei.