- CHUN LI - |
Chun Li on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse (+/+/o/-/o/-) All Special/Super (minus Lightning Legs) (o) Aerial/Ground Spinning Bird Kick (+/+) Spinning Bird Kick (+/-/o/-/+/o/+) Air Spinning Bird Kick (+/+/+/+/+/o) GOAL OF THE CHANGESTone her down a little on some specific points which I think are needed for her to be on par with the lower end of the cast. The stored super is gone for good though, and that's not coming back. Considering that certain BS other chars had vs her are now gone (Hawk can't do repeated Sako's vs her anymore (unless cornered of course), she now got a decent, easier to use, counter for Fei's repeated Chicken Wing trap (Close Rh), eating a SPD after throwing Zangief on mid-screen can be avoided now), then it's only fair that her BS is fixed too (stored super, insane throw damage, boring ambiguous neckbreakers against some characters on wakeup). |
ColorsNew Legacy colors
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Standing gut reel:
- Priority nerf: 1st and 2nd parts's head hurtbox expanded 6px forward. REASON: Mainly for Dictator's 2nd Close Standing Short to link properly, so his TOD is a little more lenient vs a standing Chun. This obviously has other impacts as well, but that's OK: Chun was one of the slimmest characters. For example, Zangief's bread and butter 'Crossup, Crouching Forward xx Lariat' combo worked on everyone but her, it still doesn't work on her, but now 'Crouching Forward xx Lariat' works. I'm sure there are impacts on other match-up too, but Chun is still so good that I doubt anything bad for balance will result out of this. - Priority nerf: 3rd and 4th parts's head hurtbox expanded 8px forward. REASON: so Fei Long can combo a Close Standing Fierce after a Chicken Wing against Chun. Considering that Chun can now escape the Chicken Wing block string trap in the corner easily, it makes sense for the move to combo properly against her in case she takes the hit. This kind of consistency is one of the philosophies of NL, and unless there is some very important balance reason, its better to make common combos to work normally against everyone. - Priority nerf: 3rd and 4th parts's body hurtbox expanded 4px forward. REASON: On The Sagat vs Chun match-up, there is a very specific spacing in which if Sagat hits a Standing Chun with a Crouching Forward and then cancels it into Rh Tiger, Chun can go to the Crouch Block animation after taking the low kick hit and the Projectile passes through her. This was no crazy bug, was just weird hurtbox interactions. Now this is fixed. |
Throws:- Damage nerf: Strong throw does the same damage as other throws. REASON: do I really need to write anything here? It made no sense for her to have so much damage on it. o Behavior tweak: ground throws can't be activated with up anymore. REASON: I think this is a bug. + Recovery buff: after throw recovery is now faster by 2f. REASON: So now Chun can escape a SPD after throwing Zangief on mid-screen by jumping. o Behavior tweak: aerial throws can't be activated with down anymore(diagonals still work). REASON: I think this is a bug. |
Passive Grab Animation:+ Behavior buff: last grab animation vs Dhalsim tweaked so now he bounces properly from a softened throw when a cornered Chun throws him away from the corner. REASON: a good amount of cheap stuff that Chun had was fixed/nerfed, so it's only fair that cheap stuff that other characters have against her are also fixed. |
Close Standing Jab:
- Damage nerf: changed from 18 to 12. REASON: the amount of damage this does is absurd, considering it can be canceled into itself. By the way, even Zangief received a similar nerf on his Standing Jab (there's a different reason for that, though). |
Crouching Jab:
+ Damage buff: from 4 to 12. REASON: No ground light normal that is not chain cancelable should do so little damage. This can be somewhat useful vs Zangief in footsies against his Standing Forward, and that's OK, since his Standing Forward works better against Chun's Crouching Forward now that it received the calculated nerf specifically for this match (you can see it some changes below). Also, this compensates a little for the damage nerf on Close Standing Jab when doing the Standing Jab, Crouching Jab x Lightning Legs combo. |
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4 ➔ 12 |
Crouching Strong:
+ Priority buff: 2nd startup/active/1st recovery parts head hurtbox reduced 16px forward, hitbox reduced 4px upwards.
REASON: it was mostly useless. Considering Chun lost most of her bullshit, I think it's fair to give her some new tools. The hitbox nerf is for it to be beat by Cammy's Standing Forward and to not trade with Ken's Overhead. Anyway, this has decent horizontal priority, but from my tests it's not too strong, here are some possible counters to it: Ryu: Flame Hadou Ken: St.Rh (can trade, but it's OK), NEW Short Tatsu is pretty good at evading it too so Ken can get close Honda: Command Sweep is excellent at beating it Chun: Cr.Rh (sometimes trades, but you have the KD advantage) Blanka: St.Short, St.Fierce, NEW Cr.Fierce (can trade, but it's OK), NEW Overhead Zangief: St.Forward, Cr.Rh Guile: Sobats, NEW Overhead, Sonic Boom Dhalsim: Crouching Punches Hawk: St.Short, St.Forward(sometimes trades), Cr.Rh, Tomahawk Buster Cammy: St.Forward, Hooligan? Fei: Overhead, Rekkas, Flame Kick DeeJay: St.Rh, Slide, Max Out Boxer: Cr.Strong, Cr.Rh (can trade, but its OK) Claw: Slide, St.Forward Sagat: Low Tiger, Forward Tiger Knee (if close enough), Jab Tiger Uppercut (sometimes trades, but you have the KD advantage) Dic: St.Rh (can trade, but the damage difference is huge)
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ST | NL |
Far Standing Fierce:
o Priority tweak: fix hurtbox on the last animation frame.
REASON: It looks like a bug to me.
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ST | NL |
Crouching Fierce:
+ Startup buff: 1f faster.
REASON: so it can be super cancelable. This is just to boost Chun's super game a little bit. Doubt this will be too good but who knows.. we'll see.
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5/6/19 |
Crouching Forward:
-- Priority nerf: startup leg hurtbox expanded forward by 15px.
REASON: Nerfing it a little. Now when playing footsies, a badly spaced/timed Crouching Forward will not be a granted trade anymore. This is mainly done thinking on the Ken match-up.
- Priority nerf: recovery part body hurtbox expanded forward by 18px (but it's only 11px ahead of head hurtbox) and expanded 1px upwards.
REASON: Now Zangief's Standing Forward and Dictator's Standing Forward/Roundhouse are now counters to it because they now have more horizontal range than it(Dictator's not so much, but it still has more). The upwards nerf is for Dictator's Standing Rh to be able to hit it too. IMPACTS: Boxer TAPs will have an easier time hitting Chun, and think this is ok for balance. Hadoukens will hit her from farther (unwanted effect) as well, but assuming a trade will happen then this ends up being better since the projectile will hit sooner, which means Chun will have less frame disadvantage after the trade. The only exception is a Red Hadouken, of course, in which can cause a KD in situations that it wouldn't, but the difference is not that big so I'm hoping it will not be that bad. Testing will tell if I'm right or not. Note that on previous versions, this nerf was also present on the active part, but that was later removed because it made the move a worse anti-air, which was not really the intention.
- Priority nerf: recovery part leg hurtbox expanded 31px forward.
REASON: so it's punishable like on Shoto vs Shoto footsies game. I know, 31px sounds like a lot, but it's not, it's just that it was too good before.
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ST | NL |
Close Standing Roundhouse:
+ Startup buff: 3f faster.
REASON: Can now be used properly as a counter to Fei's repeated Chicken Wing traps. On ST this move could already be used for that, but it needed too much frame perfection to work, so it was not viable. I know this somewhat changes the move a little too much, but I couldn't think of anything else to beat Fei's CW trap. Suggestions are welcome. I know I know, many will just say that it didn't needed any "fixes" to begin with, since theres already a way out of it (kara-tensho), but keep in mind that a lot of BS Chun had was nerfed, so it only makes sense that BS against her is nerfed too. By the way, I made the last startup frame (the one in which shes already kicking above but without a hitbox) to be an active frame too (i.e. hitting), to compensate for that I then decreased the amount of frames on the next animation frame (the main active one) so it stll has the same amount of hitting frames.
9/6/21 |
6/6/21 |
Far Standing Roundhouse:
- Priority nerf: proper hurtboxes during the 2nd, 3rd startup, active, and 1st recovery frames.
REASON: The main reason is to make it more vulnerable around Chun legs. It was kinda dumb how she could use it as a (very slow) poke on neutral and just get away with it. At least against Zangief this shouldn't be a thing. Don't worry, this move is just as good as an anti air.
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ST | NL |
Neutral Jumping Jab:
+ Startup buff: 4f faster.
REASON: so now it's 2f faster than Neutral Jumping Short, so maybe this move can be an alternative to it. Short will probably still be favored though because the hitbox is still better, but now at least Jab has something going on for it. The move can also be special canceled into AIR SBK now, but this is so unpractical that maybe this shouldn't even be mentioned.
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8/∞ |
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4/∞ |
Diagonal Jumping Jab:
+ Priority buff: startup frames uses the smaller head hurtbox from Diagonal Jumping Short/Forward 1st startup frame.
REASON: to complement the change below. Now, in case it's badly timed, Chun will at least score a trade against a Chicken Wing, which will be enough to end the loop (Fei won't be able to do it again right after).
+ Startup buff: 4f faster.
REASON: so it can be used as a counter to the Chicken Wing loop on the corner as a backwards jump, it has to come out as soon as possible and will not work if the Chicken Wing was activated from very close (will probably not work on the 1st CW of the loop, but will on the 2nd - if it's the 1st you have to use the improved Close Standing ROundhouse instead). This move was kinda useless and it's not like this is OP now so I think this is an welcome change. Another impact of this change is that it can now be special canceled into Air SBK. I know, this won't really be useful (specially because it requires back charge, meaning Chun has to be jumping backwards), but it's not like this brings any harm either.
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ST | NL |
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2/∞ |
Neutral Jumping Strong:
+ Startup buff: 2f faster.
REASON: so now it's 2f faster than Neutral Jumping Fierce, so maybe this move can be an alternative to it. Fierce will probably still be favored though because the hitbox is still better, but now at least Strong has something else going on for it (other than the extra active frames it always had).
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8/16/∞ |
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6/16/∞ |
Diagonal Jumping Strong:
+ Startup buff: 1f faster.
REASON: so it's slightly faster than Diagonal Jumping Fierce but still can't be special canceled (I'll leave that only to Jab). This way theres another small reason to favor using it over Fierce.
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Diagonal Jumping Short:
+ Startup buff: 1f faster.
REASON: so it's slightly faster than Diagonal Jumping Forward but still can't be special canceled (I'll leave that only to Jab).
+ Priority buff: leg hurtbox decreased 14px forward.
REASON: just an idea to maybe make this move more interesting. Now the forward priority is exactly like Diagonal Jumping Forward. I could have buffed it some pixels more so the hitbox would fit the tip of Chun's sprite, but then Chun would be able to beat Dictator's Diagonal Jumping Strong on air to air too easily instead of trading and that would be bad for balance.
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ST | NL |
Neutral Jumping Forward:
o Cosmetic tweak: now uses the other sprites in which Chun kicks upwards with her other leg, like on Diagonal Jumping Rh 2nd kick.
REASON: just for the sake of variety really. This by itself makes no difference in balance.
Diagonal Jumping Rh:
+ Hit amount tweak/behavior fix: remove the 1x1 hitbox on the animation in between kicks (now a 2-hit move).
REASON: yeah, theres a 1x1 hitbox there that allows Chun to hit when her leg is retracted! This may look like a bug but I really believe it isn't: by removing it I noticed the move gained the ability to do 2 hits! This means that CAPCOM did it on purpose to avoid it hitting twice, I guess. It looked cool to me though so I decided to actually turn that into a feature, though it needs adjustments to be balanced (see changes below). You could also say that it's similar to how that move is in Alpha 2, too.
+ Framedata tweak: active frames stays active for -2f (was 6f, now 4f), frame in between hits lasts for -2f (was 4f, now 2f).
REASON: so the new combo ability can work better. Even with these adjustments, it would still never combo against shorter characters. To fix that, I had to tweak it further (see changes below).
o Priority tweak: 1st active part hitbox moved 22px downwards.
REASON: so the new combo ability can work better. Without this adjustment, it would still miss against certain characters, or just be harder to time overall.
- Priority nerf: 2nd active part hitbox decreased 3px downwards but increased 1px upwards.
REASON: so the 2nd hit misses all crouching characters. What you do normally after blocking a jumping attack is to block low, but now that this move does 2 hits you had the annoyance of having to stay standing to block the 2nd hit too. And you can't really react to it so this was OP. The upwards change is just an unavoidable consequence, since hitboxes can only have odd numbered dimensions.
o Damage tweak: from 24 to 16+16(=32).
REASON: now that it can hit twice it could do too much damage if used as a combo. Of course this doubles as an unintended nerf when used on air to air, but this move was kinda situational anyway, and the nerf isn't THAT big.
- Dizzy/dizzy timer nerf: from 11~17 to 3~9+3~9, timer decreased from 80 to 40+40.
REASON: now that it can hit twice it would dizzy too easily with both hits doing high dizzy. Both hits now do less dizzy than a single hit would do on ST, but if you follow it with lets say Close Fierce xx Kikouken, it still dizzies like it always did. By the way, if you need high dizzy off a single hit, Diagonal Jumping Fierce is still available.
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1hit ➔ 2hits |
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ST | NL |
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24 ➔ 16single hits | 11~17 ➔ 3~9single hits |
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24 ➔ 16+16total | 11~17(80) ➔ 3~9(40)+3~9(40)total |
Flip Kick:
+ Remove the move entirely, like in HDR.
REASON: This move was useless. It only got in the way when Chun wanted to walk forward and poke with a Crouching Forward.
Neck Breaker:
- Behavior nerf: less horizontal movement (but nerfed way less than in HDR).
REASON: Cant cross up on wakeup anymore. I guess this can be seen as fair vs Ryu, but it was unfair for Ken to have to deal with this.
All Specials/Super (minus Lightning Legs):
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
- Bug fix: recovery amount is now set properly (value was being set based on the strength of the last normal used, instead of the button used for the special move).
REASON: Bug fixing.
o Behavior tweak: Kikoukens now travel 1px lower.
REASON: So Kikoukens don't behave exactly like Ken's Hadoukens, allowing for specific balance changes that affect only one of them. For now, Cammy's Spinning Back Fist startup and landing frames and Fei's head vulnerable parts on his super are the cases that have frames that can't pass through Ken's Hadoukens but can pass through Chun's Kikoukens. IMPACTS: Blanka's Crouching Fierce last startup frame would get beaten by Chun's projectile, but this was compensated on N.Blanka.

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ST | NL |
Aerial/Ground Spinning Bird Kick:
+ Behavior buff: input leniency for the kick button is now 1f longer for the Forward version, and 2f longer for the Roundhouse version.
REASON: so the instant out of the ground air SBK is slightly easier to do, specially with the Roundhouse version.
+ Behavior buff: super meter given increased from 8 to 10 points.
REASON: Just to give an incentive for using this move, and this also serves as an indirect buff to her super (which is not as good now that the store bug is gone).

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8 ➔ 10 |
Spinning Bird Kick:
+ Behavior buff: can now juggle.
REASON: I know, this can be seen as an unnecessary change. It's just that I need to at least give Chun a few things to compensate for what I did to her super. Maybe I am wrong and this is actually unbalanced, this needs to be tested. I'm sure it will be fine though. The ground version got a nerf on the dizzy to compensate, and Forward and Rh versions now do the same damage as Short.
- Startup tweak: 1st animation frame is 4f longer and vulnerable to throws. As a compensation the vulnerable part near the end of the startup (the one that used to hit on SSF2) is now removed.
REASON: Since it knocks down on hit now it was too good vs Zangief: it could be used to escape tick into SPDs (the startup is faster than the SPD's whiff animation, so Zangief couldn't block in time).
o Behavior tweak: removed the 1x1 hitboxes during the spinning part.
REASON: At first I thought they were a bug/mistake, but now I know that it was just a trick that the CAPCOM programmers came up with so they could limit the amount of times the move could hit. That trick didn't worked with juggle moves anyway (and N.Chun's juggles now) so removing it actually gives me the benefit of having free hitbox slots to place my own stuff on them.
- Priority nerf: head hurtbox during spinning part moved 1px downwards.
REASON: So Sagat's Crouching Punches can beat it. Now that SBK knocks down, it got somewhat decent against Low Tigers. To compensate that, Sagat deserves an easy and reliable counter. Realistically this will hardly help Sagat, but it's not like the new SBK changed the match-up that much anyway. I tested the move against all the Crouching normals in the game and there's no other impacts, so with this change being so risk free regarding bad balance impacts I just see no reason to not do it.
+ Behavior buff: Forward and Roundhouse versions now hit crouching characters on the last rotation, like the Short version. The spinning part total duration was also reduced by 4f/9f for Forward and Roundhouse, respectively.
REASON: so the other versions can also be useful. The change in total duration is a consequence of it. Note that, just like the Short version, this will still randomly miss a crouching Blanka. IMPACTS: to be exact, the airborne parts framedata changes are: Fwd before: 4 4 3 (3) 2 2 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 2 1 1 (2) 2 3 3 (4) 2 Fwd after: 4 3 3 (2) 2 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (2) 1 1 2 (2) 3 3 4 (2) X Rh before: 5 4 4 (3) 3 2 2 (2) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 2 1 (1) 2 2 3 (3) 3 3 Rh after: 4 3 3 (2) 2 2 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (2) 1 1 2 (2) 3 3 3 (3) X X
o Recovery tweak: Short and Forward versions now use the same recovery animation as Rh (doesn't have the last sprite missing from the animation).
REASON: this is probably a mistake. The amount of invulnerability will be kept the same, it's just the animations are not as smooth. This is more of a cosmetic fix, even though it impacts gameplay.
+ Recovery buff: Roundhouse version now recovers as fast as the Short and Forward versions.
REASON: it's different than the other versions because it has an additional sprite during the animation (its the full animation, Short/Forward are just cut). This change is just for all versions to be consistent between each other.

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ST | NL |
Air Spinning Bird Kick:
+ Behavior tweak: removed the minimal activation height.
REASON: so it's more useful. Now Chun can do (B) F, DF + K to do instant air SBK towards the opponent, or (B), UB, F + K to do it jumping backwards. This special move was pretty much useless for the most part so this is justified. Also Chun is nerfed overall so it's fine for her to receive some new tools, as long these are balanced.
+ Behavior buff: number of rotations changed from 1|1|1 to 1|2|3 (Short|Forward|Rh).
REASON: the code actually doesn't support this, but looking at the code it looks like this is partially implemented. I wrote the rest of the code for it to work.
+ Startup buff: 9f faster.
REASON: it had too much startup to be used on purpose to hit anything.
+ Framedata tweak: duration of the spin cycle changed to 2 2 2 (3) 2 2 2 (3) on all versions.
REASON: so all versions (Short|Forward|Rh) are more normalized (Rh used to be way different). Also this is the optimized frame data for a instant air Rh SBK to be have better chances of hitting a grounded character (though they often can crouch the attack, but that's OK).
+ Behavior buff: can now juggle.
REASON: It wouldn't make sense to have the ground version juggle but the air version not so here we go...
o Behavior tweak: removed the 1x1 hitboxes during the spinning part.
REASON: At first I thought they were a bug/mistake, but now I know that it was just a trick that the CAPCOM programmers came up with so they could limit the amount of times the move could hit. That trick didn't worked with juggle moves anyway (and N.Chun's juggles now) so removing it actually gives me the benefit of having free hitbox slots to place my own stuff on them.
- Bug fix/behavior/recovery nerf: Chun is not considered airborne anymore during the grounded recovery frames.
REASON: So it can be punished with throws/sweeps/combos properly. In fact, it was like that because of a bug on the code (which I fixed).
- Startup nerf: Rh version startup is now 1f slower (3f of startup).
REASON: So Zangief's safe ticks can be timed a little easier. Timing them with safe tick timing is actually hard against it, and using Crouching Jab on a safe range is very hard because sometimes Chun can just pretty much avoid them by waking up standing and this kinda sucks. Note that with 3f of startup the move is still excellent at countering safe-jumps (It is against 4f startup moves that safe-jumps start to be viable), so in practice the move is still a counter to safe jumps but it now also has 1f longer invulnerability, which is something the Rh version really lacked, so even though this change is meant as a nerf, I really believe it has the potential of being a buff, depending on the situation.
+ Priority buff/tweak: 2nd hit and 4th hits (minus for Forward versions's 4th hit, for that I made it like the 3rd hit) hitbox expanded 6px forward, 3rd and 5th hits hitbox expanded 14px forward but decreased 12px downwards..
REASON: it combos better on MOST situations that way. A lot of special moves received small tweaks so they can combo properly, so I think Chun deserves this too. And this move still has horrible priority anyway so IMO this is ok. As for the specifics on the Forward version 4th hit, first it's because it matches the sprite, and second because it combos better that way.
+ Framedata buff: the animation part right before each "acrobatic kicking" part can hit now too.
REASON: It made no sense because Chun's legs are already in "hitting" position but she has no hitbox on these frames. Now as a result each "acrobatic kick" stays active for +2f while also have -2f of "delay" between each subsequent kick. This was done for all active part of all Tenshou strengths, minus for the 1st (invulnerable kick, obviously). This can be seen as an small buff for a move that was already kinda bad, but I concede I did this more for my perfectionist tendencies.

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ST | NL |
-- Bug fix/behavior nerf: fix for the store bug.
REASON: It was too good. This will be the most hated change on Chun, I know. Sorry Chun mainers, this thing just had to go, it was too annoying. The super will have additional invulnerability to compensate this (see below). And if you really think about it, Chun only really needed it against O.Sagat and N.Ryu. O.Sagat changed completely, he's not a zoning monster anymore, and due to the added invulnerability against projectiles (see the change below) her super is still kinda good vs N.Ryu too, so Chun Li players have little reason to complain IMO.
+ Behavior tweak: leniency time for the super is long like Boxer's super.
REASON: So she at least can walk some steps before activating the super, so at least her ability to walk forward before activating the super is still in somewhat, even though it's on a very limited form. Also, I see no reason for Boxer to have this but not Chun, specially now that she can't store it anymore. The change isn't big enough to allow her to throw a Kikouken and still be able to activate her super with the same charge, though, and IMO this is appropriate.
+ Behavior buff: 1st active part movement speed increased slightly.
REASON: This seems to be a decent way of compensating the lack of stored super, since without the store it's hard for Chun to activate the super while being close enough to the opponent. With a small bump in movement speed it will allow Chun to get the first hit to touch the opponent more frequently. It will still miss from full screen though, but this small increase seems to make a considerable difference. The actual amount of speed increased may need additional adjustments though, but I think this is an approach worth testing. With all that said, I must make it clear that this is a very experimental change, I still don't know how good this is, specially against other fireball characters.
+ Behavior/priority buff: only head vulnerable during the next 9f after the invulnerability ends.
REASON: Since the super can't be stored anymore, I think it deserves to have more invulnerability to compensate. Her super is obviously less useful than it was in ST, but now it's a very good counter to fireballs from mid screen. And of course still has defensive uses, so it's far from being useless.
+ Priority buff: 2nd attack frame uses a different body hurtbox.
REASON: So it can evade projectiles a little better.
o Priority fix: fix the small window of 3 frames of invulnerability before the 3rd hit.
REASON: It has no use and looked like a bug. I guess this could be seen as potential evidence that, at some point during development, Chun's super was invulnerable at least till this point, or maybe even till the Lightning Legs part, but then CAPCOM went back on it and reduced the invulnerability.
+ Behavior buff: negated the push-back on hit during the 2nd part.
REASON: so the next hits have a better chance of comboing when the super was activate from far away. This is important vs Ryu, now that Chun can react Hadoukens from around far to mid screen with her super now as a counter and depending on the spacing the Lightning Legs hits it wouldn't connect.
+ Behavior buff: 2nd hit now do Light BLOCK stun/push-back.
REASON: so if the 2nd hit is blocked from max range the other hits can still reach the opponent, making it a better super from far away when blocked. You may think I am crazy for buffing Chun's super yet again, but with the stored bug gone and the damage lowered, I think Chun's Super is somewhat on par with the rest of the cast. Time will tell if I am right about that. IMPACTS: Chun is close enough to be punished by Zangief's SPD if it's blocked from point blank, but that's OK since Chun is on frame advantage: she can jump back to escape or do a block string with some normal move.
- Damage nerf: from 16*6 to 12*2 + 14*4 (does around 50% against the weaker chars, still can combo with Tenshou after it).
REASON: All safe on block supers are receiving similar nerf. If you look at the super damage itself, you may argue that it may be too much since she also got the nerf of the stored super bug removal, but that would be untrue because she can still combo a Tenshou after it just as she could in ST, which still increases the damage considerably (does around 60% against an opponent with full health). So she can still do nice damage off her super, it just won't be 75% like it was in ST. The damage nerf was made with that in mind, if Chun couldn't get additional hits with a Tenshou then of course the damage nerf would be smaller.
- Behavior nerf: 5th hit is now a juggle launcher.
REASON: so the opponent is launched to the air 1 hit sooner, meaning the 6th hit will count as a juggle hit. This way Chun can only get one extra hit with a Tenshou. This is needed to adjust the total super damage, otherwise the super would do very low damage on the situations in which a Tenshou doesn't connect. By allowing only one extra hit, I can keep the total super damage relatively high still while keeping the total sequence (super + extra juggle) balanced.
o Priority tweak: 3rd active part hitbox expanded 28px backwards and 4px downwards.
REASON: needed for it to always combo properly against Guile, Dhalsim, Fei and Sagat, due to the pushback changes. Also, it now connects against every crouch-blocking character but Blanka and Cammy. Before, it only could reach a crouch-blocking Boxer, T.Hawk and DeeJay.
o Priority tweak: 5th active part hitbox expanded 10px backwards and 1px vertically.
REASON: needed for it to always combo properly against Guile and Sagat, due to the pushback changes. That's also needed to connects on crouch-blocking Shotos, Guile, Cammy and Claw. Now this part should work properly against every character, be it blocked or not.
o Priority tweak: 6th active part hitbox increased 10px upwards.
REASON: needed for the 6th hit to connect as a juggle against everyone now that the 5th hit is as juggle launcher. Without it, the 6th active part would only reach Zangief, Chun and Blanka.

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The disadvantage was almost unexistent on ST, but I have to mention it here because she received a lot of small nerfs while Ryu remained mostly the same, so something had to be done to compensate: Her super now has additional invulnerability now so even though it's not possible to store it anymore, it's now possible to punish Hadoukens from mid-screen with her super now. This means that both Chun and Ryu must be cautious when throwing fireballs when their opponent has meter, this already somewhat true in ST but now this is more of a problem for Ryu, since Chun's super is easier to use like that.
I believe this is a fair match-up on the highest levels of play; on lower levels Hawk tends to just murder Chun, and Hawk received so many buffs that I think this would also flip to Hawk on the highest levels too, so something had to be done. Now Hawk can't do repeated Sako ticks vs her, I guess this fixes any match-up problem that may have appeared with my changes, and also makes this match-up a lot more enjoyable for the Chun player. Now Hawk has better tools to get in, but now getting in once is not enough to win. It's possible that I made the match-up actually better for Chun, but I doubt it's too good for her. Only testing will tell.
Again, it was a fair match-up. Just want to point out that Chun received only nerfs and Fei only buffs, so I guess it would end up flipping to Fei's advantage. So to compensate that now she can counter The Chicken Wing Trap without having to rely on the kara Tenshou trick: if Chicken Wing was activated close enough, the faster Close Standing Rh is a counter now (it must get activated as soon as possible, although delaying it a few frames will still grant a trade), or, if the Chicken Wing was activated a little farther (i.e.g is at least the 2nd one of the "loop") then a backward jump with the now faster Aerial Jab will beat it too.
e's a totally different character now. I'm sure the match-up will be fine. It has good chances of actually flipping to Chun advantage though, but only with proper testing I'll be able to tell.