- BLANKA - |
Blanka on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
Close/far Standing Strong/Rock Crush (o) Close Standing Short (+/o/o/+) Close Standing Forward (+/o/+) (NEW) Overhead Fierce (+/+/+/+/-/-/-/+) All Specials/Super (minus Electric Thunder and Hops) (o) Horizontal/Vertical/Backstep Beast Rolls (+) Horizontal Rolls (++/--/+/-/--/+/+) GOAL OF THE CHANGESSome inspirations by HDR Blanka (like safer Rolls and better Super), but other changes as well, since HDR changes were clearly not enough (the vs Boxer match-up for example is still trash on HDR). |
ColorsNew Legacy colors
Original colors*
*Colorisation has been remade with MMK's sprites, and Old Alternative color (10) changed. |
Standing Reel Animation
- Priority nerf: body hurtbox used on 2nd part moved 24px forward. REASON: So Fei can combo into Rekkas from all special cancelable normals from a decent range and Sagat can combo into Fierce Tiger Uppercut properly. - Priority nerf: body hurtbox on the 3rd animation expanded 6px forward. REASON: so Fei combos work properly vs Blanka. |
Gut Reel Animation:
- Priority nerf: head hurtbox on the 2nd animation moved 8px upwards, head hurtbox on 3rd animation removed. REASON: so Boxer's Kick Super can combo normally against Blanka. The head hurtbox removal on the 3rd animation just means that he doesn't have a head hurtbox 8px higher on the 3rd frame, only on the 2nd. Note that due to the change below (on the last frame of this same animation), the body hurtbox (which is shared on the 2nd, 3rd and last frames) got big enough to cover the the whole area that the head hurtbox used to cover, so by removing it on the 3rd frame, the priority stays the same. - Priority nerf: body hurtbox on the last animation expanded 20px forward. REASON: so Fei combos work properly vs Blanka. |
Crouchin Reel Animation:
- Priority nerf: body hurtbox used on crouching reel 1st part expanded 14px forward. REASON: So Dictator can combo properly when Blanka gets hit from a corner pass combo from a crouching position. |
Throws:o Behavior tweak: can't be activated with upwards anymore(diagonals still work). REASON: I think this is a bug. |
Full knockdown animation:
- Behavior nerf: proper (i.e. smaller) pushboxes. REASON: now it fits the sprites better, although it's only two frames that were off. It does allow Shotos to cross over with a tatsu, but the timing is quite strict so it's not very useful. The only meaningful effect is that O.Blanka can cross over with his Horizontal Roll. |
Far Standing Jab:
+ Priority buff/tweak: hitbox moved 9px downwards. REASON: now it hits low enough to hit all crouchers as well as beat some moves like Honda's Crouching punches. It will be better vs HHS too. You could argue that Standing Short can already be used for that, but Jab is faster and safer, which is fair on this match-up. Also, the hitbox matches the sprite now. This change obviously doubles as a nerf since it's a worse anti-air now, but this move wasn't really used for that purpose anyway. This does impact some other match-ups, but I'm not aware of any situation in which this move is too good, but if that's the case then this may be reverted/adjusted. + Startup buff: 1f faster. REASON: so Blanka can favor it over a 2nd crouching Forward to cancel into Horizontal Ball, it will not do as much damage and dizzy and of course won't hit low, but it's now slightly easier to link into. This of course also doubles as a buff for this move when used in neutral, but I doubt it will make much difference, the very low amount of frames in which this move stays active really makes it hard to use, in general. |
Crouching Jab:
+ Startup buff: 3f faster. REASON: this has 2 purposes: 1) getting Jab Electricity is now a little easier; and 2) it's less of a trashy normal now. The buff is not enough for it to be special cancelable, but it's now super cancelable. |
Close/Far Standing Strong/Rock Crush:o Cosmetic fix: medium attack activation sound instead of light. REASON: Just bug fixing. |
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Far Standing Fierce:
+ Framedata tweak: 1st active part is active for -2f, 2nd active part is active for +2f (from 4/3 to 2/5).
REASON: so Blanka has a easier time anti airing Cammy's Diagonal Jumping Strong. This was a problem on this match-up. Note that it's still active for the same amount of time (7f), this was done on purpose to keep the overall speed of the move.
6/4/3/18 |
6/2/5/18 |
Crouching Fierce:
++ Priority buff: last startup and 1st recovery animation's head hurtbox moved 7px upwards and 32px backwards, also received a new leg hurtbox that gives 21px better priority vs low moves.
REASON: to make this move a little better in trading as well as better vs Cammy's low normals. The head hurtbox used on ST is just the same hurtbox ID on the Crouching Jab and Strong reused. I know this will make this move very good, this is very experimental and the amount of the buff may be reduced or even undone on the future. This will be at max as good as Boxer's Standing Fierce so I don't see that being necessary, but it's definitely on the table. This is in fact an very experimental change. IMPACTS: The upwards change is for it to get hit by all mid-level projectiles (in ST it would only get hit by Ryu's) as well as Dictator's and Zangief's Standing Forwards, otherwise it would be too good vs Ken/Zangief/Dictator or at any projectile match-up really. This will also be good at trading with Honda's Crouching Jab.
+ Priority buff: head hurtbox during active reduced 8px downwards, leg hurtbox expanded 46px forward.
REASON: So it can be used effectively in footsies vs Cammy's Crouching Forward. As an impact, it will also be better vs Sagat's Crouching Kicks (fair) as well as Chun's Crouching Forward (fair) and N.Deejay's now tweaked Crouching Forward (also fair). Against other low moves like Shoto Crouching Kicks it will still be beat as it would on ST.
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 1px upwards/downwards.
REASON: so it can hit a little lower so it has a little more range vs a Crouching Cammy. The upwards buff is unavoidable because you can only increment the hitbox sizes by even numbers. Fortunately, apart from making it a slightly better anti air, it has no effect on ground to ground interactions (i tested all ground normal and special moves).
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Close Standing Short:
+ Startup buff: 7f faster.
REASON: Just so it can be linked after a crossup, so this can have some use as a tick setup.
o Behavior fix: proper pushbox on the 1st startup frame.
REASON: Just to make sense.
o Priority fix: proper hurtboxes and pushbox on the 2nd startup frame.
REASON: Just to make sense. This is a close normal that isn't an anti air, so this obviously makes almost no impact, I'm changing this just because I'm a perfectionist.
+ Recovery buff: 4f faster (now +0 on hit/block).
REASON: Gives a reason to use this move: perfect for ticking into bite.
13/4/13 |
6/4/9 (+0 on hit/block) |
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Close Standing Forward:
+ Startup buff: 5f faster.
REASON: So it now can be at least be combo'd into from a cross up. Requires precise timing though. By the way, this is the maximum buff possible without making it super cancelable.
o Behavior fix: proper pushbox on the 1st startup frame.
REASON: Just to make sense.
+ Priority fix: proper hurtboxes and pushbox on the 2nd startup frame.
REASON: Just to make sense. This is a close normal that isn't an anti air, so this obviously makes almost no impact, I'm changing this just because I'm a perfectionist.
11/3/4/13 |
6/3/4/13 |
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Far Standing Forward:
o Cosmetic fix: forward attack sound on hit instead of strong.
REASON: Just bug fixing.
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 8px downwards.
REASON: it's now a decent counter to Boxer's Crouching Strong and his Low Rush. It also wrecks Fei Standing Fierce and can hit Sim's head during Yoga Fires. Obviously, pretty much everyone have obvious counters for this (e.g. Fei's Standing Forward and Standing Rh, Boxer can just whiff punish it with his rushes, etc). The only impact that I really disliked is that it beats Ken's Standing Rh, but that's minor I guess.
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strong ➔ forward |
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Standing Roundhouse:
+ Priority buff: 1st active part hitbox expanded 4px downwards.
REASON: can now hit Boxer's Low Rush/Sweep and DeeJay's Crouching Strong. A Crouching Jab from Boxer can be used to beat it to get some space from Blanka in case he's spamming his move, and DeeJay can use his slide to beat it cleanly. By the way, this is the maximum buff that still allows it to whiff against a Crouching Dhalsim (tallest crouching character). IMPACTS: trades with Chun's Far Standing Short (meaningless), trades with Zangief's Crouching Strong and Fierce (but Strong only from very close - Zangief received a buff on that move, so it actually wins from farther. In ST, both moves whiff. Zangief's Crouching Jab still beats it cleanly), beats Guile's Donkey Kick (Blanka already could beat it with other normals if he knew this was coming so not much impact here), beats T.Hawk's sweep (only with very specific timing, as if it was done on reaction; if a little sooner or a little delayed Hawk still wins), trades with Cammy's Crouching Fierce and beats Roundhouse Cannon Drill, beats Fei's Far Fierce from farther (extremely vulnerable on whiff to a Rekka sequence though), beats Claw's Crouching Jab and Strong (but claw can easily whiff punish it with a sweep or a Standing Fierce, so it's a gamble on Blanka's part).
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Diagonal Jumping Strong:
+ Priority buff: arm hurtbox reduced forward by 12px.
REASON: This normal is mostly trash because of the huge hurtbox it received in SSF2. I'm reducing that hurtbox a bit so this move may have a use. Diagonal Jumping Jab will still be the better move regarding horizontal priority, though, so it's not like this will be a revolutionary change. Just changing a trash normal to be usable.
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Neutral Jumping Short:
- Priority nerf: hitbox reduced 8px upwards.
REASON: so it's not as good on air to air, for that he will have to use Fierce. This is done mainly for Hawk to maybe have a better chance at getting in, mainly with his new Diagonal Jumping Rh, when used by anticipation.
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Neutral Jumping Forward:
- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox expanded forward by 10px.
REASON: so Zangief's Far Standing Rh can always trade with it.
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Rock Crush:
o Behavior tweak: can't be activated with upwards anymore (diagonals still work).
REASON: I think this is a bug.
Amazon River Run:
+ Priority/behavior fix/buff: proper recovery hurtboxes, "getting up" animation smoothed out with a new crouching frame, last animation now have hurtboxes and a pushbox.
REASON: This is mainly a cosmetic buff/fix, but this also leaves Blanka with Standing hurtboxes for only 4f, so this may work as a buff certain situations, like vs Ryu's random Tatsumakis during neutral; IMO it was unfair for Ryu to punish this move so easily with Tatsumakis. Now only the last 4f are hittable by Tatsus.
+ Priority buff: hitbox expanded 1px vertically.
REASON: so it can still beat N.Fei's Crouching Strong after a buff it received. There's no other impact AFAIK.
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(NEW) Overhead Fierce:
+ Behavior tweak: enabling SF2:WW Close Standing Fierce, but instead of being range restricted it's now a command normal, activated with -> + Fierce.
REASON: This is the 1st step in creating Blanka's overhead. I think it's a cool addition, plus Blanka is a low tier so I think any kind of help is welcome.
+ Behavior buff: forward movement.
REASON: it being static was pretty bad. It was very hard to use effectively. Think of O.Fei vs N.Fei hop kicks.
+ Priority buff: hitbox now has more range and hits lower (in comparison to how it was in WW).
REASON: To hit all crouchers (minus other Blanka).
+ Behavior buff: now functions as an overhead.
REASON: that's the main purpose of all the changes on this move. Blanka now have a new pressure tool. Deserved, IMO.
- Damage/random damage/dizzy nerf: decreased to 26(1), dizzy decreased to 1~7, dizzy timer now 70.
REASON: I had to lower the damage and dizzy, it did too much damage in WW, and normal fierce dizzy on an overhead would be too much.
- Priority nerf: has a hurtbox on his arms during the active frame.
REASON: It's needed, otherwise it will be too good as a poke.
- Startup nerf: 4f slower, now it has 1+25f of startup.
REASON: after enough of time from players to test this, I believe it's safe to say that it was a little too good.
+ Behavior buff: spins only once (does only 1 attack instead of 2) and recovers 3f faster (+0 on crouch hit/block, -9 vs standing hit).
REASON: It's better this way.
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26[1] | 1~7(70) |
All Specials/Super (minus Electric Thunder and Hops):
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
Electric Thunder:
+ Behavior buff: super meter given increased from 6 to 8 points.
REASON: Just to give an incentive for using this move, since that his super is not garbage anymore, and his back hop gives almost no meter now, so this move at least has a purpose now (fill the meter).
+ Priority buff: body hurtbox during active part reduced 2px forward.
REASON: never loses to Honda's Super/buffed Strong Headbutt. Now a trade is granted. This is a very small change, it will still lose to Dictator's Psycho Crushers, as it should.
+ Recovery buff: Fierce version now have the same recovery duration as the other versions.
REASON: The Fierce version was basically unusable because of the longer recovery. It's still a trash move but at least it's not totally outclassed by the other versions.
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6 ➔ 8 |
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Horizontal/Vertical/Backstep Beast Rolls:
+ Priority buff: 2nd and 3rd parts of the grounded landing animation head hurtbox is now positioned very low (only reachable by low moves) and has its horizontal edge positioned 12px forward.
REASON: Blanka must not have a hurtbox on his head area for the safe on hit properties to work as intended (see change below). Till v0.5 he had no head hurtbox, but starting in v0.6 he got his head hurtbox back, but it's now placed very low, which still allows its safe on block properties to be like it was intended, but also addresses one problem that the move had previously: Claw needs to be able to punish it easily enough when the Roll is blocked, otherwise the move is too good on that match-up. And due to the buff on recovery Claw couldn't punish it properly anymore. So, with this change, Claw can now punish it on block with a slide. This makes very little impact elsewhere, the only thing worth mentioning is that if Blanka is now next to a corner, most characters will be able to reach it with their sweeps just like Claw can with his slide, but that's also not very significative because on that situation most characters already could punish it anyway. Also, note that this also affects his whiffed Beast Roll, but I believe this is meaningless for the most part.

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Horizontal Beast Rolls:
++ Behavior/recovery buff: bounce travel time is short now (Better recovery on hit/block).
REASON: Inspired by HDR, but it's not exactly the same. Safe on block against E.Honda's Headbutt and Ryu's Fierce Hadoukens (he's forced to block a Fierce Hadouken). I personally think it's fair like this since the move has bad priority (basically anything beats it) and it doesn't even knockdown. IMPACTS: Here are a more detailed listing of the impacts of this change: Safe on Hit and on Block (always safe): Ryu: a Fierce Hadouken (or Super) can't be used as a punish anymore, but Blanka is forced to block it if Ryu blocked the roll. Ken: not much he can do to punish it. It was like that on ST as well. Though in ST he could always deny Blanka jumping towards him right after it by throwing a Fierce Hadouken (Blanka was forced to block it), now this only works 100% of the time if the Roll was blocked Standing, and the Fierce Hadouken must be Reversal. This is not too terrible though, since Ken always has time to block the jumping attack, and N.Ken can bait it with a Jab Hadouken (will not deny Blanka jumping, but recovers faster, making it easier to do a SHoryuken to counter Blanka's jump). Chun: not much she can do punish it. On ST she could use her super, now not even that can reach Blanka. Similarly to Ken's case (see above), a Reversal Fierce Kikouken will now not always deny Blanka a immediate jump in after a blocked Roll (though if the Roll is blocked Standing this is granted to work). But even if crouch blocked, this is more of a gamble for Blanka, since in Chun's case it still has more chance of working than Ken. If Blanka jumps over it successfully she also can always escape it by jumping back (Blanka's Jumping Roundhouse will not hit her in this situation). Honda: Blanka is forced to block a Reversal Fierce Headbutt/HHS if Honda blocks. On ST Honda could always hit back with a Headbutt, which was unfair. That's actually one of the main reasons I came up with this change. Zangief: not much he can do to punish it. It was like that on ST as well. Though Blanka is in less frame disadvantage now, but this is not really meaningful in this match-up. Guile: not much he can do to punish it. It was like that on ST as well. Though in ST he could always deny Blanka jumping towards him right after it by throwing a Fierce Sonic Boom (Blanka was forced to block it), now this only works 100% of the time if the Roll was blocked Standing, and the Fierce Hadouken must be Reversal. This is not too terrible though, since Guile can do an immediate Sobat backwards to avoid all aerial attacks Blanka could do in this situation, and the charge for another Sonic will be almost ready when Blanka lands. Or Guile can always go air to air try to beat Blanka's air move, since a well timed Neutral Jumping Forward will never lose in this situation. And depending on which move Blanka uses, you may even be able to beat them cleanly! Here's his moves and your appropriate neutral jumping Counter: Jab: well timed Neutral Jumping Forward, trades; Strong/Fierce/Forward/Rh: New Neutral Jumping Strong wins cleanly, Neutral Forward may win with appropriate timing, but never loses; Short: Neutral Jumping Forward kick, but slightly delayed, wins). Hawk: not much he can do to punish it. It was like that on ST as well. Though Blanka is in less frame disadvantage now, but this is not really meaningful in this match-up. Fei: his whiffed Jab Rekka into Fierce Rekka punish doesn't work anymore, thankfully, since that was way unfair. That's actually one of the main reasons I came up with this change. DeeJay: a Fierce Max Out can't be used as a punish anymore, but Blanka is forced to block it if DeeJay blocked the roll. Safe only on Hit: Blanka: a Reversal Fierce Roll can punish it, if blocked. On ST it always could punish it, now it's way more interesting. Certainly made the mirror match a little more enjoyable. Sim: Standing kicks can be used only when he blocks it. If he takes the hit then it's not punishable anymore. Cammy: can't use her Cannon Drills anymore. The bug on her Super that didn't let her punish Blanka Roll is fixed though so she can punish it if she has meter. Claw: the best counter is the slide, which is very easy to do if the Roll is blocked standing (7f window), but still possible if blocked it crouching (4f window), just the timing will be more strict. Punch normals can still be used if he blocks it, but it has to be blocked standing, and the button press is very strict, so the Claw player should just default to the new counter (slide). O.Claw: his CPS1 style Crouching Fierce has more reach and startup than Standing Fierce, making it a valid counter for it still. Sagat: a Rh Tiger Shot can't be used as a punish anymore (Blanka is forced to block it if Sagat blocked the roll though), but a Reversal Rh Tiger Knee still can, but it has to be reversal. Dictator: a walk up Standing Roundhouse is not a counter anymore, and if the Roll hits (i.e. is not blocked) there's no counter at all (unless Blanka is cornered). I know, this is bad on this match-up, but Blanka really deserved this buff otherwise. If the Roll is blocked, then DIctator can still punish it though. If he has charge, then the easiest is to go for Fierce Psycho Crusher (doesn't require to be Reversal), a Forward/Rh Scissor Kick or Super. Without charge, he can now use his slide first moment, due to the changes made on Blanka knockback so he could be punished by Claw (read above). The window for Dictator to punsih is very small though (only 2f) and, due to the different nature of the slides, Dictator will be left totally open to be punished if the slide is badly timed though. You have to be really good with your triple taps slides do you can get as many "reversal" slides as you can, otherwise you shouldn't go for this. Lastly, as said previously, if Dictator took the Roll hit, then he can't punish it anymore, but it's nothing too terrible: if Dic has charge, then Blanka is forced to block a Forward(i.e. medium) Scissor Kick, which leaves Dictator in frame advantage, and outside of Blanka's throw range. Also, remember that Dictator received lots of small anti Blanka tweaks so I doubt this match-up got worse. Always unsafe: Boxer: Jab Straight Rush and Super can always be used.
-- Behavior nerf: Less block-stun and push-back (behaves like a Medium move instead of a Heavy, when blocked).
REASON: Needed for the safe on hit change to not be applicable on some match-ups, otherwise it would be too good (e.g. shouldn't be safe on block vs Dictator).
+ Recovery buff: grounded recovery on hit is 1|2|3f faster (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: Needed for the safe on hit change to work correctly (see above).
- Damage/random damage nerf: from 28(3)|30(3)|32(3) to 24(2)|26(2)|28(2) (Jab|Strong|Fierce).
REASON: Now that it's considerably safer to be used, the risky-reward was a little off. It's only fair for the reward to also be adjusted.
-- Dizzy nerf: from 9~15 to 7~13.
REASON: Now that it's way less risky to be used, since it's safer on hit (and still safe on block on a good number of match-ups), it's only fair that the reward to also be adjusted. Now, 3 rolls one right after the other will, frequently, not be enough to get a dizzy.
+ Behavior/frame data tweak: Jab version active for 2 frames less (from 25 to 23).
REASON: Like in HDR. Covers less ground so it's better as a whiff into Bite on certain scenarios.
+ Behavior/frame data tweak: Strong version active for 1 frame less (from 25 to 24).
REASON: Like in HDR. Covers less ground so it's better as a whiff into Bite on certain scenarios (e.g. vs E.Honda on full screen distance).

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H ➔ M | 28(3)|30(3)|32(3) ➔ 24(2)|26(2)|28(2) | 9~15 ➔ 7~13 |
25/5 |
23/4 |
25/6 |
24/3 |
25/7 |
25/2 |
Backstep Beast Roll:
++ Startup buff: faster startup by 16|10|3f faster (Short|Forward|Rh). Grounded (i.e. throw-able) startup is now only 4f long. The back hop animation also made a lot faster. But still retains some frames on startup in which Blanka is standing (unlike in HDR, in which he already started airborne).
REASON: HDR Back step roll was a nice (and obvious) change, but this move needs to have some throw-able frames at the startup since the rolling part will also be able to knockdown grounded opponents (this is not on HDR) so it shouldn't be used to counter Zangief's SPD, for example.
++ Behavior buff: removed the knockback animation on hit/block.
REASON: so now this gives proper followup game for such a slow and "telegraphed" move. Also this now works as a proper replacement for the Vertical Roll that he lost from HF.
+ Framedata tweak: the Rh version during the "hop forward" startup part of the animation has a different arrangement and is 1f longer.
REASON: so it can pass through Low Tigers as well as be more viable to pass above Ryu's Hadoukens.
+ Behavior buff: First 3 hits juggles aerial opponents, can hit up to 3 times.
REASON: Makes sense and it looks cool, but it won't be that good cause no one will fall for this anyway.
+ Behavior buff: First 3 hits got its push-back on hit negated.
REASON: I know this will rarely come into play but now at least it will combo into itself better against opponents on the ground.
+ Behavior/hit amount buff: the 4th hit (the "rolling" one) now works as the 4th hit vs grounded opponents.
REASON: so when comboing grounded opponents still knocks down.
+ Dizzy/dizzy timer buff: last hit now does the same dizzy as the nerfed Horizontal Roll i.e. from 1~7 to 7~13, timer changed from 30 to 100.
REASON: no reason for it to do so low dizzy.
Back Hop:
-- Behavior nerf: super meter given decreased from 5 to 2 points.
REASON: Same reduction from HDR. His super is better now, so it was unfair for Blanka to be able to fill the super meter with no risk.
+ Recovery/priority buff: 1st recovery part 1f faster, leg Hurt-box during 2nd recovery moved 1px upwards.
REASON: so it only gets hit by Low Tiger's during the grounded frames, so Blanka won't get knocked down on hit! Won't come into play much often but this makes less risky for Blanka to try to avoid meaty Low Tigers with a Reversal Hop Back.
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13/7/8 |
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ST | NL |
++ Behavior tweak: leniency time for the super is long like Boxer's super.
REASON: So now it's possible to hop forward or whiff jab/strong roll and then trigger super, like Boxer can whiff rush and then do his super. Needs further testings, I am not sure if this isn't too good. Considering super's startup is garbage, this will probably end up being OK though.
++ Behavior/recovery buff: bounce on hit/block is now shorter, leaving Blanka positioned a lot closer to the opponent and with a lot less frames of disadvantage (with my change below he's left at -3, without it would be at -7; on ST it's -17).
REASON: The idea of making it safe on block comes from HDR, which is a fair change for the most part, since this super is garbage in most cases, even with the startup juggle. The only exceptions to this are Ken, Dictator, Zangief and T.Hawk: it would be unfair for them to not be able to punish with something. The grapplers because it's hard to get in, and Ken and Dictator because it's not as easy to zone Blanka out, specially after all the buffs he received. With this change Blanka is left at little frame disadvantage but spaced far enough so normals don't come out in time and normal throws (Oicho as well) can't grab him, but Zangief and Hawk can with their command grabs (Hawk with both Typhoon and Super, Zangief with SPD only). Luckily, Ken can punish with a Reversal Jab/Strong DP (but the super must be blocked standing, not crouching), so this also fixes the problem that could be created on the Ken match-up. Unfortunately Dictator can't punish it, this makes the already bad match-up a little harder. To compensate it, Dictator can punish it easily on reaction with a Psycho Crusher now (see the change below).
+ Recovery buff: 4f faster (same recovery as the Hops).
REASON: They animate the same but on the super it's for some reason longer. This makes this super a little more safer, but this change on its own still allows it to be punished by a lot of stuff. It also depends on the change above to be really safe on block against most of the cast.
- Priority nerf: hurtbox while active expanded 5px upwards, reduced 1px downwards.
REASON: so Dictator can beat it with a Psycho Crusher. It was unfair for Dictator to have no decent counter to it now because of the buff that made it safe on block vs most characters; Dictator needed something otherwise the Super would be a very strong tool to allow Blanka to get in. I know, Dictator could beat it with a Crouching Forward by reaction but that wasn't good enough from far away (risky). This change will also make Sonic Booms and Max Outs to hit it, which I think are both OK changes considering the amount of buffs Blanka received not only on his Super but also as a whole. IMPACTS: Now every character have at least one move to beat Blanka's super cleanly before the knock back recovery: projectile chars can use their projectiles, Shotos can use use their Crouching Strong (and now Diagonal Jumping Rh will win instead of trading), Guile and Deejay can mash Crouching Jab (Guile only due to this change), Zangief and Hawk can walk-in command grab (and Hawk can also mash Crouching Jab), Blanka can use Standing and Crouching Short, Cammy can use her Crouching Strong, Roundhouse Cannon Drill and Hooligan Throw, Fei can Flame Kick, Super(can pass trough, but will never get hit) or beat it with a well timed Crouching Fierce (risky), Claw can beat it with a well timed Far Standing Short, trade favorably with Far Standing Fierce or try to evade it with a BackFlip or even Izuna Drop it; and Boxer can hit it easily with a TAP (just release 3P/3K during the super flash) or with Crouching Strong (only due to this change, but this is kinda dangerous though, and that's good for balance, Blanka needs help vs Boxer).
+ Behavior buff: 1st hit juggles.
REASON: Just making this super less trash. This on its own makes it actually too good vs Zangief, this will be addressed by making the super be grab-able with SPDs if blocked, allowing Zangief to bait it, block it, and then punish with a SPD.
o Cosmetic fix: alignment of one of the sprites during the spinning animation is now corrected.
REASON: Bug fixing. One of the sprites was misaligned vertically by 11px. The animation is smooth now.

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The Fierce Roll is safe on hit/block now which helps. New back step roll can be used to get knockdowns if Ryu's Hadouken pattern is too obvious. Tweaked Crouching Fierce is a little better at trading with Hadoukens.
Blanka can now block Head Butts after a Horizontal Beast roll, this means that random Fierce Rolls can be used here and there. Also, Honda lost the stored Oicho and now loses in NORMAL throw range, which can maybe encourage Blanka to go for Bites? Tweaked Crouching Fierce is good to trade with Honda's Crouching Jab. Far Standing Jab now beats Honda's Crouching punches and HHS.
Tweaked Crouching Fierce is worse at trading with Kikoukens, but is better as a poke. Still no match for Chun's Crouching Forward though. I'm hoping the general Buffs Blanka received and the general nerfs on Chun ends up making this match up more even. But it was not that bad to begin with. (I experimented with the slide passing below Kikoukens but It was definitely too good, IMO it just flipped the 6.5-3.5 in favor of Chun to Blanka instead).
Tweaked Crouching Fierce is now an effective counter to her Crouching Strong. His Standing Fierce was also improved so it's now a viable counter to her Jumping Strong. Rolls being safe on block/hit helps too. I think it's OK now, despite all the huge buffs she received.
Fei's Standing Fierce won't hit Blanka slide anymore, plus, Blanka's Standing Forward beats it now too. The new roll knock back animation is always safe from Rekkas (unless in corner) which helps. Dunno if it's enough help though, but it's definitely way better.
Tweaked Crouching Fierce is a decent poke vs DeeJay if spaced correctly. Rolls being safe on block/hit helps too. But the most important thing is that sliding below Max Outs is now more reliable, this pretty much fixes the match-up IMO. Really believe it's fair now.
Blanka's Slide will not be hit by Boxer's Crouhing Strong anymore, Boxer's best options to beat it are either Crouching Forward or the slightly buffed Crouching Short, but with Forward he risks a trade. Blanka's new Standing Forward can now counter Boxer's Crouching Strong and his low rush. Since Boxer's throw range bug was fixed, Blanka beats Boxer on throw range by 10px now, which gives Blanka a new game plan: counter poke with the new tools and when the oppotunity arises, abuse the tick into Bite. Boxer also received some damage nerfs. These are a lot of buffs on the match-up, but the match-up on ST was pretty bad so even then I really doubt Blanka will beat Boxer now. It's probably a fair match-up now (hopefully), or at least a 4-6, which isn't that bad.
The biggest changes are that now your Crouching Fierce/Rh can trade with Sagat's arm when he does a Low Tiger and that Crouching Fierce is now very safe against Sagat's Crouching Rh. The new Command Normal (overhead) can be used to evade Low Tigers too. The throw advantage vs Sagat is a little smaller now, but he's also grabable from farther, which is actually preferable. I'm positive that these are more than enough to make this match-up around fair.