- DEE JAY - |
Dee Jay on SRK Wiki (ST) ↓ |
GOAL OF THE CHANGESI think he is mostly ok, even though he is high tier. He is definitely receiving a dizzy nerf on his combo-related moves though. I think this is his main problem. He only really needs help vs Dhalsim, which he will get. He will be receiving some little touches here and there as well, but nothing major. |
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Crouching animation:- Priority nerf: body hurtbox expanded 3px forward. REASON: Now Fei's fierce Rekka on round start can hit Dee Jay if crouching (from P1 and P2 side, nerfing it only by 2px allows it only for P2). This change also affects the crouching Jab priority as well as Crouching Strong startup and recovery priority. In theory this has little impact since Dee Jay will most likely be crouch blocking, which leads to the change below... -- Priority nerf: crouch block animation body hurtbox the non-blocking hurtbox (its edge is positioned 10px forward). REASON: Now Fei's Fierce Rekka on round start can hit Dee Jay if he starts crouch blocking, which will lead to a block string to the corner. Not only that but connecting Rekkas on DeeJay is a lot easier now. This may sound too good, but DeeJay is an extremely bad match-up for Fei, usually around 3-7 AT BEST for Fei. From my perspective, one of the main problems is not being able to connect rekkas (even when blocked) because DeeJay's crouch block hurtbox is very very slim (spaced 7px behind the non-blocking one in ST). As for the other match-ups, DeeJay is a high tier in ST anyway and he isn't receiving big nerfs here so I think it will end up being OK. |
Crouching reel:- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox expanded 8px upwards and moved 1px upward. REASON: Mainly for Dictator's 2nd Close Standing Short to link properly, so his TOD works vs a crouching DeeJay. This only impacts his Crouching reels as well as his blocking animation. Even though crouching normals all share this leg hurtbox, priority wise they are unaffected by this change (Crouching Fierce's 1st startup part is an exception, but it has a duration of only 2f so this is meaningless). Anyway, the hurtbox now actually matches his sprite now (goes as high as his knees). |
Knockdown animations:
- Behavior nerf: proper (i.e. smaller) pushboxes. REASON: now it fits the sprites better. The main effects of it are: Shotos can crossover with tatsus and it's now slightly easier for Sagat to do it with a Tiger Knee, although the difference is minimal. Also, if there's no change of sides, Dictator can now corner pass DeeJay with a Scissor now, although a Crusher always worked against Deejay, so this is meaningless. This is done mainly thinking of the Ken match-up, although it also affects Ryu (which is not very good for balance, but it's not that impactful). |
Close Standing Fierce:
+ Startup buff: startup 2f faster. REASON: The startup change is just for it to be more usable (even though it will probably still be an useless normal). Now it can be special cancelable! + Framedata buff: 1st active part 2f faster. REASON: so it can combo for 2 hits more often, otherwise this move has very little meaning. + Damage buff: from 28+4 to 28+12. REASON: I'm buffing all 2-hit normals that do very little damage on one of the hits. Most of these normals are trash, this is just a way to maybe make them more usable. - Dizzy/dizzy timer nerf: 1st part reduced from 10~16 to 3~9, timer reduced from 80 to 40. REASON: now that the 1st part can be special canceled (see the changes above) it should do way less dizzy otherwise DeeJay would be receiving new dizzy combos, and this would be a very bad idea. |
Far Standing Fierce:
o Priority fix: proper hurtboxes on the last animation frame. REASON: Just fixing the animation frame with 1f duration to have hurtboxes like the animation before. |
Crouching Fierce:
- Dizzy nerf: 1st active part reduced from 10~16 to 3~9, like Ryu's Close Fierce 1st part. REASON: weaking his dizzy combo potential. Now using fierce instead of a jab on the TOD combos only gives a little more stun (but a lot more damage, of course). Using a Standing Strong to cancel into MGU is now the alternative that gives the most dizzy potential, though it's a lot harder to do that. |
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10~16(80)/10~16(80) ➔ 3~9(80)/10~16(80) |
Far Standing Forward:
+ Damage buff/hit amount nerf: changed from 24+4 to 24/24 (now a 1-hit move).
REASON: This move was somewhat useless, but it looked kinda cool. Now it is usable as a counter to Dhalsim's Standing Kicks: it can beat them perfectly, it's not a trade unlike Far Rh or other normals, and now it does enough damage. It's also good against O.Zangiefs HF inspired 3K Lariat.
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24+4 ➔ 24/24 |
Crouching Forward:
- Priority nerf: leg hurtbox moved 2px upwards.
REASON: So Fei's Rekka's 2nd/3rd Punch, Forward Flame Kick and his new Crouching Strong can hit DeeJay during it now.
- Priority nerf: hitbox reduced 13px upwards.
REASON: So it will whiff vs Fei's new Crouching Strong and Hawk's new Crouching Fierce (DeeJay can still use his Crouching Strong against both of these moves). IMPACTS: can't trade with Sim's Standing Strong (BAD) and Sagat's Low tiger anymore (OK). On these cases, Crouching Roundhouse must be used instead. Also, it now whiffs completely vs Cammy's Cannon Drills (GOOD)!!!
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Crouching Roundhouse:
- Priority nerf: 1st startup leg hurtbox moved 2px upwards, 2nd startup/active parts leg hurtbox moved 2px upwards, 1st active frame body hurtbox moved 3px upward.
REASON: Now Fei can beat it cleanly with his modified Crouching Strong.
- Damage nerf: 1st active part reduced from 30 to 26.
REASON: it does a little too much damage when compared to other projectile character's sweeps and there's no reason for it to be like that, IMO it was a little too good. I know this can bee seen as a little unnecessary, but it won't exactly be bad for balance, other than vs Dhalsim.
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30/30 ➔ 26/30 |
Diagonal Jumping Strong:
- Dizzy fix: default dizzy of a strong move instead of fierce.
REASON: When CAPCOM swapped this move with Fierce when updating O.DeeJay to N.DeeJay, they changed the damage but forgot to change the dizzy. So this is just a bug fix.
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H ➔ M |
Neutral Jumping Fierce:
+ Priority buff: hitbox moved 10px downwards.
REASON: just so this can at least be used as a neutral jump on the Dhalsim match-up, to beat/trade with his Standing Kicks. The priority buff is exactly what is needed to beat Dhalsim's Far Standing Forward when DeeJay is falling from the neutral jump. This still has less priority than Neutral Jumping Jab, both in the hurtbox size as well as hitbox positioning though. I think this is an interesting way of making this otherwise useless normal have a use.
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Diagonal Jumping Fierce:
+ Dizzy fix: default dizzy of a fierce move instead of strong.
REASON: When CAPCOM swaped this move with Strong when updating O.DeeJay to N.DeeJay, they changed the damage but forgot to change the dizzy. So this is just a bug fix.
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M ➔ H |
Diagonal Jumping Forward:
- Dizzy nerf: from 5~11 to 3~9, like Shoto diagonal jumping heavy attacks.
REASON: Just to nerf his dizzy-combo game a little. It's only 2 points less though so it's not much.
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5~11 ➔ 3~9 |
Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse:
-- Dizzy nerf: from 11~17 to 3~9, like Shoto diagonal jumping heavy attacks.
REASON: This one can be seen as a little controversial. This one allowed Dee Jay do score some random dizzies... his combo game already gives him that as well, so I think this is a fair nerf. Diagonal Fierce was fixed so now that can be used for the normal heavy dizzy (if going for non-cross up combos), but from far away on random jumps or on escape backward jumps like DeeJay could do with Roundhouse it won't happen anymore.
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11~17 ➔ 3~9 |
Knee Shot (on air ↓ + Short):
+ Priority buff: hitbox moved 10px downwards.
REASON: now DeeJay has an aerial move that beats Sim's slide.
- Startup nerf: 3f slower.
REASON: just to not allow it to be used as an overhead, since the hitbox is now positioned very low now.
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2/40/∞ |
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5/40/∞ |
All Specials/Super:
o Behavior tweak: Input window is no longer random and is fixed at the minimum value.
REASON: The input window on all special moves is now fixed to the minimum value of 7f instead of being random at 7~14f. Having random input timers makes no sense.
Max Out:
- Bug fix: recovery amount is now set properly (value was being set based on the strength of the last normal used, instead of the button used for the special move).
REASON: Bug fixing. The bug is present on the code but it has no effect since all strengths are set to have the same recovery. I'll fix it anyway.
o Cosmetic tweak: uses the japanese version activation sound (DeeJay screams "Slash!" instead of "Max out").
REASON: The sound is in the rom but is unused, why not give a use to it? I'll keep the "Max Out" sound intact on O.DeeJay.
- Priority nerf: projectile 2nd active part hitbox reduced 2px downwards and 4px upwards.
REASON: Blanka can now slide under max outs like he does on sonic booms and Fei's new Short Flame Kick can pass trough Max Outs. The Max Out's First active part is unchanged so it can still hit Blanka's Slide, just like Sonic Booms can.
+ Priority buff: projectile 3rd active part hitbox increased 2px downwards.
REASON: so it hits as low as Guile's Sonic Boom, allowing it to beat Dhalsim's Crouching Punches just like him, now that Dhalsim received a nerf on these moves.

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"max out" ➔ "slash" |
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Rolling Sobat:
- Startup nerf: Rh version last startup part 2f longer.
REASON: So it can't be used as a reversal to beat N.Cammy's tweaked Thrust Kick knock back animation. This brings little change otherwise.
+ Priority buff: Forward version 2nd startup part has no leg hurtbox, like the Short version.
REASON: just to give a reason to use the Forward version over Rh.
+ Behavior buff: Forward version push-back on hit during the 1st part heavily reduced.
REASON: so now if the 1st hit connects, the 2nd will have bigger chances of connecting too.
+ Behavior buff: Forward and Rh versions 2nd part of the 2nd hit sped up so it always combo.
REASON: It was strange that the 2nd hit of a 2 hit move would whiff most of the time. This by no means makes the MGU obsolete, since MGU still does more normal and chip damage as well as more dizzy. It does boost DeeJay's non-cross-up combos a little though.
- Damage/Dizzy nerf: Forward and Rh versions damage reduced from 30/28+18 to 24/22+14, dizzy reduced from 2~8+2~8 to 0~6+0~6.
REASON: Because the 2nd hit will always hit now, otherwise it will be too good.

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11/4/13/15/16 |
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13/4/13/15/16 |
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30/28+18 ➔ 24/22+14 | 2~8+2~8 ➔ 0~6+0~6 |
Machine Gun Upper:
- Dizzy nerf: last hit decreased from 9~15 to 7~13.
REASON: weakening his dizzy combo potential. Yeah, DeeJay's ambiguous dizzy combos are a little too strong. The full TOD combo did so much dizzy that even with this nerf as well as the nerf on the cross-up Jumping Forward and Crouching Fierce's 1st hit it can still dizzy on its own, it will just happens less often, specially against the big characters (still pretty much guaranteed to dizzy Sim though, since he is easier to dizzy). Now, sometimes it will require DeeJay to land another cross-up Jumping Forward or a successful tick throw (if they block the cross-up) to get a dizzy, and IMO that's appropriate for most of his matches. Also, if DeeJay had just knocked down the opponent with a sweep, the TOD will pretty much always be enough to dizzy the opponent as well. Anyway, this move is by no means replaced by the improved Rolling Sobats: they may be easier to use in combos but they do less damage (normal and chip) and dizzy.

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9~15 ➔ 7~13last hit |
Jacknife Maximum:
+ Behavior/Priority buff: Short version's 1st recovery part leg hurtbox reduced 17px downwards, 2nd recovery part leg hurtbox reduced 9px downwards.
REASON: so it can now pass through Yoga Fires (as well as Sonic Booms). I think everyone agrees that DeeJay deserves this vs Dhalsim. It passing through Sonic Booms is an unintended and unavoidable impact of this change. I can see the argument saying that vs Guile this is not fair but Guile recovers so fast that I really doubt this will change much. If I am wrong and this does makes the match-up vs guile too easy then I'll undo this.

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+ Behavior tweak: leniency time for the super is long like Boxer's super.
REASON: I'm doing it more for the consistency argument. Yes, this will allow DeeJay to walk a single step more before doing the super after walking forward, but considering how little invincibility it has on the startup I doubt this will be too good. I'm sure this can used in interesting ways in the Dhalsim match-up, since his super also got additional invulnerability vs Yoga Fires.
+ Behavior tweak: vertical acceleration on the 2nd kick decreased by a very small amount so it is 1f faster.
REASON: due to the change in block-stun (consequence of the lower push-back) there was some occasions in which the opponent had a reversal frame right before the 2nd hit. This change solves it.
o Framedata tweak: animation frame before the 3rd hit duration reduced by 1f.
REASON: due to the push-back changes (see below), there would be some very rare situations in which the opponent would get a reversal frame between hits. This change fixes this problem.
+ Priority buff: additional mid-body invulnerability till the 2nd hit so it can pass through Yoga Fires (and Sonic Booms).
REASON: Now DeeJay can punish Yoga Fires from mid screen with 3 hits of his super, leading to a knockdown and a cross-up attempt. It will also pass through Sonic Booms, but that's an unavoidable impact of this change. Fortunately, Guile recovers very fast so it won't affect badly the balance on that match-up.
+ Behavior buff: 1st and 2nd hits do a little less push-back on HIT (around 15% less), so the 3rd hit will always connect if the 2nd hit connects, if passing through a Yoga Fire.
REASON: just for the change above to work as intended.
+ Behavior buff: 1st, 2nd and 3rd hits now do Medium BLOCK stun/push-back.
REASON: will get all 4 hits of chip damage if the 1st one hits. You could argue that DeeJay didn't needed this, but all Supers are being "fixed" so it makes sense for his to be too.
- Behavior nerf: 3th hit is now a juggle launcher.
REASON: so the opponent is launched to the air 1 hit sooner, meaning the 4th hit will count as a juggle hit. This way DeeJay can only get one extra hit with a Jacknife Maximum. This is needed to adjust the total super damage, otherwise the super would do very low damage on the situations in which a Jacknife Maximum doesn't connect. By allowing only one extra hit, I can keep the total super damage relatively high still while keeping the total sequence (super + extra juggle) balanced.
+ Framedata tweak: animation frame before the 4th hit duration reduced by 1f.
REASON: so the last hit can actually reach the juggle opponent (important now that the 3rd hit juggles).
o Behavior tweak: remove the hitbox from the first 2 frames of the 3rd hit.
REASON: so it doesn't hit the opponent too soon (important for the full combo to connect properly now that the 3rd hit juggles).
+ Priority buff: 4th active part hitbox increased 10px upwards and 2px downwards.
REASON: so it still combos properly against all characters now that the 3rd hits juggles. Other than that it will also affect the priority of the 4th hit (better "anti air"), but I doubt this will bring bad impacts since it's the last hit. I do know that it can beat Lariats now, but that shouldn't be a problem for Zangief really, since if DeeJay whiffs it, Zangief can easily react with a Lariat before the 4th hit.

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Can now beat Sim's anti air slides with aerial down+Short and because of Dhalsim's nerf on his Standing Kicks, Deejay can now beat them easily with Max Outs or with Standing Forward/Roundhouse. The 2nd hit of DeeJay's Far Standing Forward already had hitboxes that really looked like they were made to counter Sim's standing kicks and now I buffed the damage on it so now it's an good counter to Sim's Kicks. Dhalsim's Far Crouching Punches were nerfed as well so now Max Out hit them every time. Dhalsim's Close Crouching Jab is now a little vulnerable to DeeJay's slide. Also, DeeJay's super's mid-body area is invulnerable to Yoga Fires till the 2nd hit comes out, allowing him to punish them from across the screen, now Dhalsim has to take care when throwing Yoga Fires vs a DeeJay with meter, just like he must do vs Boxer. Short Jacknife Maximum can now pass through Yoga Fires as well. It's true that DeeJay's TOD combos do less dizzy now, but Dhalsim gets dizzy so easily that they still work the same vs him! On top of all that theres the general Dhalsim nerfs too. Due to changes on DeeJay vs Fei Match-up, DeeJay can't use Crouching Forward against Dhalsim's Standing Strong anymore... but his slide still works though. I think these changes are more than enough to make DeeJay's only bad match-up finally fair.